3. The Luckiest Ghoul on Earth

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Rain had said his goodbyes to Aether and Sunshine as fast as he could, so he could check up on me to see if I was okay. I was crying on my bed when Rain had found me. He knew that nothing he could say would make me feel better, so he just laid down on the bed beside me, wrapping his arms around me. We had laid like this for about half an hour. None of us spoke a word. The only thing I heard was the sound of him softly kissing the back of my head. The only thing that I felt was the warmth of his body against mine. And the only thing that I wanted was for this to last forever. Rain understood me without having to ask a single question. And he knew that. He knew that just being by my side was perfect for me.

''Rain?'' ''Hm?'' He answered, while he was going through my blonde wavy hair with his fingers. ''Is it possible for humans to go to hell?'' Rain's fingers stopped moving for a second. ''Why do you want to know that? So that you can visit Aether and Sunshine?'' ''Yes.''

Rain breathed deeply in and out, before answering my question. ''Technically, yes, with the help of the book. Papa has traveled to hell to meet my grandmother before she passed away. But that was way back when he was just the cardinal. Someone from The Clergy had to perform a special spell on him, so that he could survive the flames and the extreme heat of hell. It was quite stressful for him, because the spell only lasts a limited amount of time. The book only works on earth, so he couldn't just take it with him to hell to keep casting the spell. It's also important that humans can't travel to hell alone, they have to hold onto a ghoul. Same goes for traveling back to earth. The summoning and un-summoning also only happens in The Summoning Chamber in the basement. That is to avoid getting summoned into an object. You wouldn't want to get un-summoned to hell and then bam! There's a table inside of you because you just came from another dimension. No, there is a strict rule that The Summoning Chamber has to be empty at all times.''

I could listen to Rain talking about hell for hours. ''So there is a possibility?'' I asked, while I turned around in my bed to face Rain. He furrowed his eyebrows. ''No! No you are not going to hell! It's really dangerous to go to hell as a human. Not only because you could get stuck there if you can't find a ghoul who has to be summoned back to earth, but also because the time could run out and then you'd die! It's also dangerous because ghouls are way stronger in hell than they are here. Especially because they are able to use their elemental powers there! And-''

''I get it! It's too dangerous!'' I quickly pressed my lips onto his before he could say something else about the dangers of hell for humankind. Rain didn't seem to mind it. He kissed me back like this was his last chance to ever kiss me. His started breathing faster as he turned over so that he could be on top of me. I could feel his breath on my skin as he softy kissed my neck. ''I'm just so glad that you are here with me. I must be the luckiest ghoul on earth because I am your boyfriend. Your boyfriend! I honestly don't know what I did to deserve that.''

''Rain!'' I giggled. He stopped kissing me to look me in my eyes. ''What? Do you want me to stop?'' ''Oh no, let's continue.'' I said, as I placed my hand on the side of his face. ''That's what I thought. I could go on forever doing this with you.''

Rain just got back to kissing me on my neck when I heard someone knocking on the door. ''Who is it?'' I yelled at the door, slightly annoyed. ''It's me, Papa! I would like to talk to you about what happened.''The voice from the other side of the door said. ''That sounds like it's important, you better open up.'' Rain said, as he got off of me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. ''You're right, but don't you think that I'm done with you.''

I walked to the door and opened it up. ''Ah, hello Eve!'' Papa looked behind me to see Rain there, sitting on my bed, smiling awkwardly at him. ''And... Rain! How nice to see you here. Uhm, listen, Eve. I would like to talk to you in private about the... situation.'' I nodded, not because I really wanted to talk to Papa right now, and especially not because I was with Rain. But I had no choice than to try to convince Papa that he could trust me.

Not even 5 minutes later I was sitting in Papa's office. There was a big desk between us that was filled with paperwork. I wondered how many hours a day he was busy working.

''So, Eve.'' Papa started. ''I have heard some rumors that your key to my room has been stolen. Is that correct?'' I nodded. ''Yes, Papa. But I swear that I didn't steal the money! Why would I lose my own key if I did that? That wouldn't make any sense. You've helped me so much with becoming the person I am today, I could never do that to you. Listen, I know that I wasn't trustworthy in the past. But I am fully on your side now. You can trust me, I promise!''

''Relax!'' Papa said. ''I didn't bring you here because I suspect you. Because I don't. I just wanted to ask you if you may have an idea of who could have stolen the key from you? What did you do today? Who were you with?''

I remained silent for a second. I had cleaned Papa's room this morning, so it must have happened after that.

''I had lunch with Cumulus, but I am 100 percent sure that she didn't do it. Then I cleaned the entire library, where I had a small conversation with Mountain about biological cooking books. After that I cleaned the room in the highest tower of the church, there wasn't anyone there. Then, I had dinner with Rain, Dewdrop, and Nali. I am 100 percent certain that Dewdrop and Nali are innocent too, and I'm 1000 percent sure that Rain is innocent. And after that, I cleaned the bathrooms. I saw one of the new ghouls there, Phantom was his name, I think.''

Papa nodded. ''I don't think that it was Phantom either. He is a really sweet, and confident ghoul. He comes from a rich family, so I don't see why he would need the money.''

''You never know, maybe they pretend that they are rich and have tons of debts?'' I suggested, but Papa shook his head. ''You can't just accuse a new ghoul because you don't want people to blame you, Eve. That's all I wanted to hear from you, you can leave this matter in the hands of The Clergy now.''

''I will.'' I said, which was a lie. Did Papa really think that I was going to leave it alone like that? No, this was my problem now, and I was going to solve it.

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