1.4 The Poisoned Chalice

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« Merlin you will pay for this » the words of the sorceress were still ringing in the dark cave where she was hiding. It didn't take much time for her to make a new plan and it wouldn't be long before it's finally ready.

With a dagger she slashed the tip of her fingerletting the blood slowly out and put her hand in the scrying fount just before her.
«Diegol cnytte, gewitte me yst, þa tacnian me yst þonne ieceþ sicle. Diegol cnytte, gewitte me yst, þa tacnian me yst þonne ieceþ sicle. Swilte ar ond calan, drædan morðor, to Camelot he cymþ! » she chanted slowly moving her hand revealing in the water the image of Merlin polishing Arthur's armor. In the water she grabbed a a transparent leaf and put it in the chalice that was rested on the edge of the scrying fount. She held it in front of her and said the name of the warlock she wish to see fall

« Merlin »

In Camelot, knights with their horses, accompanied by a multitudes of servants were approaching the castle.
It didn't take long to the visitors to gain the Throne and were welcomed by the King and the Prince and of course the Council.
The King and his guards approached confidently his guests, who were mirroring his action,'til they met in the Middle of the room.
The Man in front of him, had also a crown on his head and had long hair. All the men behind him were wearing the same colour as him,blue, and had the crest of their shield embroidered on their chests. On the side, were the servants waiting, for their king's order.

« Camelot Welcome you, Lord Bayard of Mercia. The Treaty we sign today marks an end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people. » the King said, handing his arm for him to shake in sign of peace, and that's what he did. Promising peace between their two kingdoms. Or at least if the servants who had been wearing a hard face all along the interaction, and was glaring at Merlin don't horn in...

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