1.2: Valliant part 2

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All the knights who were participating in the tournament were called to the throne room to present themselves to the king, who was more than happy to see all the opponents who, he wishes, were going to lose to Arthur

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All the knights who were participating in the tournament were called to the throne room to present themselves to the king, who was more than happy to see all the opponents who, he wishes, were going to lose to Arthur. Lady Morgana was there too, at her right the Ambrosius's girl who had been asked to come with her, and of course she didn't know why she was asked to wear one of Morgana's dresses, which was way too fancy for her.

« Knight Valiant of the western Isles, my lord. » The knight bowed to the king

« I saw you fighting today. You have a very aggressive style. » The king since to compliment the knight

« As my lord said, to lose is to be disgraced. »

« I couldn't agree more. » He replied, putting his hand on the knight's shoulder, stepping in the direction of Lady Morgana and her friend.
« Knight Valiant, may I present the lady Morgana, my ward.

« My Lady. » Valiant saluted

« I saw you competing today. » Morgana said with a Wilde smile

« And I saw you watching. » He replied with the same smile

« And this is the court physician assistant's, Y/N » the king presented, to the H/C head surprise who looked at her friend perplexed. It wasn't common for a member of the staff being presented and even less from the king himself.

« My Lady » the knight saluted with respect
« I understand the tournament champion has the honour of escorting my lady at the feast. »

To Y/N surprise, the knight wasn't looking to the king's ward but her. Before she could say anything, Morgana responded.

« That's correct » Morgana replied who gained a confused look from her friend

« Then I will give everything to win the tournament. » He said, locking his eyes with her.
« My Ladies » he bowed before walking a bit more at the end of the room.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

« Are you going to explain to me what's going on or? » I asked Morgana

« Listen don't be mad, but I couldn't do it this time, and you were the only one who I thought at the moment » the Lady replied

« You could have at least told me » I said softly

« I know I'm sorry, you're not mad ?»

« You owe me big time » I replied smiling.

After this short conversation, I was now faced with the prince himself, who was quite holding something to Knight Valiant by the look on his face. He nodded slightly to Morgana, but like Valiant, took my hand and brought it to his mouth, not missing the mischievous glint in his eyes. I knew I'll need to answer a lot of his questions later.

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