1.3 The Mark of Nimueh part 7

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NOT PROOFREAD ( I have a problem with the site I use at the moment)


After longing the long walls around the city, Gaius and Merlin, opened the door that lead to the reservoir. Lighted up one of the torch and started to walk down the stairs. Unbeknownst to them that far away from Camelot someone was watching them. They walked through the long corridor anywhere finally met by the long pool of water where the pump was taking its source.

« The water from here supplies the whole town. » Gaius explained to Merlin. « Take a sample » and Merlin did. Taking one of the vial from the bag and slowly submerging it into the water.

 Let's take it back and examine it. » Gaius said as Merlin took his hand out of the water.
As when they turned around to go back to the castle something came out of the water. Turning back to face what provide the noise they were meet by an enormous creature with long teeth. But the creature rapidly disappears into the water.

« What the hell was that » Merlin exclaimed, but gaius only took his arm and both left the reservoir.

Back to the Physician's, Gaius laid out a book about different creature and stopped at one page in particular.

« There. It was an afanc. » Gaius pointed to the drawing of the creature.

« An... a what? »

« A beast born of Clay, and conjured up only by the most powerful sorcerer. Now we have to find a way to defeat it. But where? That could take days. » the physician explained

« Y/n and Gwen could be dead by then »

« Well Y/N is not dead yet so I still can help you, but I let you know that from what I already read I never saw anything mentioning this afuck thing » she said slowly emerging from her nap.

« An Afanc » Merlin said walking toward her to help her sit dow, putting one of the pillow behind her back.

« Yeah whatever you say »

« Have you got a better idea? » Gaius asked both of them. And Merlin looked at his sister completely zoning out as she was « reading » the book in front of her. he said nothing but left quickly .

« Gaius » the young woman started « I'm not going to die, am I? » She asked quietly

« I'll do anything I can » he said, not wanting to lie to her or giving her false hope.

« Yeah.. not to put any pressure but you better hurry up, I don't feel so good » she said leaning back against the pillow behind her.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

Outside the castle, the guards were already preparing the stake for Gweneviere. Merlin could only be motivated passing by, to help her friends, to never see this stake lights up. 

He needed to hurry up, running toward the dungeon to find answer, he pass Gwen's cell and stopped for a few second.

« Gwen, I'm going to get you out. I will » he said, but no answers she was fast asleep or he thought. So he continued his way to the cave.

Slowly walking to the edge, he called out the only person who could answer his questions at the moment.

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