1.3 The Mark of Nimueh part 6

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« I thought I was doing good and that curing Gwen's father would help her. I thought I was saving a life. It seemed so simple. » Merlin explained calmly but with guilt to Gaius.

« An easy solution is like a light in a storm, Merlin. Rush for it at your peril, for it may not always lead you to a safe Harbor. »

« I can see that now. » He replied defeated

« How many times have I warned you about the responsibilities of being a warlock? » Gaius scolded once again

« I must see her. » Merlin said, ignoring Gaius, getting up and left the room.

Going down the stairs to the dungeon, Merlin crossed pass with Lady Morgana who was leaving from the cell where Guinevere was imprisoned and was visibly distraught to what was happening to not only her maidservant but her friend.

In the cell was the young woman, sitting down, looking at the floor. Her destiny was now in the hands of the king, and the chance that the next time she was seeing the sun will be the day she died was pretty high.

« Gwen. » Merlin called out. Gwen stood up, surprised she had another visit. She tried to walk toward him but was restrained by chains.

« Thank you » she said, tears staining her cheeks.

« What for? » He asked confused

« For coming to see me. » She answered

« I'm sorry »

« It's not your fault. » She said looking down

« Well... »

« It's alright. Don't worry about me. There's no point crying about it. I mean... I mean, I'm not saying that you were going to cry about me. Obviously.

« Oh Gwen! I can't have this happen. »

« Is...Is Y/N alright » the young woman asked, but she was also scared of the answer.

« She's alive, but... she isn't herself, I missed her bubbly self... » Merlin tried to explain without letting his emotions take control but, he couldn't control how his eyes started to watered thinking of what could happen tomorrow, if her sister would still be there in the morning.

« I'm so sorry, If I could do something I would- but I can't... I'm not the person they seek for » she said, but contrary to Merlin, her eyes weren't watery but fully crying .

« I know this isn't your fault, and she knows too » he replied taking the hands of the poor girl in his « I'm going to find what it's causing the disease for Y/N but for you too, okay? I promise » he tried to comfort her. 

« Please... One thing. You don't have to, but... » she trailed off

« What? » Merlin asked

« Remember me » she said looking up at him with her watery eyes.

« You're not going to die. I'm not going to let this happen. » He said firmly and left the dungeon before she could respond to him.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

The king had called once again most of the counsel, including The Prince and the court Physician in the Throne room, to discuss of the matter at hand.

« What if burning this witch doesn't stop the poison, How do I protect my people? » The king asked, as if he didn't already sentence the young servant to death in a few hours.

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