[26] Gone For Good

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Invisible machinery.
These moving parts inside of me.
Well, they've been shutting down for quite some time,
Leaving only rust behind.

Well, I know, I know the siren sounds.
Just before the walls come down.
Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman.
Predicting God as best he can.

But, God, I wanna feel again.
Oh, God, I wanna feel again.

- Sleeping At Last by Touch


Jade hadn't said a word in a week. She hadn't left her room at all, and I had to bring up her dinner every night. Their whole school was shut down for the time being, but Python still went to school every day. Everything that's happened was enough to pretty much break everyone in the family.

We sat the kids down in the living room. It was the first time Jade had left her room. I had a protective arm around her shoulders as she sat down in the center of the couch. Ember sat down at the very end of the couch while Nightfall found a place on the floor. I had Lilly in my right arm as Clover sat down next to Python, who also sat on the floor.

"You're probably wondering why you're all here," Deathbringer gently said as he found a spot between Jade and Ember. Nobody responded. "We've... all been through a lot, I know. And Glory and I were worried for your... mental healths."

"And we know you guys might not want to talk," I quickly agreed. "And you don't have to, but we wanted to know how you all really felt, so..."

Deathbringer lifted four notebooks. "If you want, you guys can write it down, just to give us an idea. Um, we could try therapy if you guys also want that." I saw the hesitation in his expression, knowing that if the kids went to therapy and told their therapists everything that had been going on, chances are social security would be called, and they'd be taken away from us a heartbeat later.

Deathbringer handed the triplets a notebook each, and then one to Python. Clover already had one, but she was using it to draw instead.

"Just write down anything and everything you feel or want–whatever it is," I said, pulling away from Jade so I wouldn't see what she was writing.

About five minutes later, they gave us the notebooks back and secluded themselves in their rooms once again. If I were to be completely honest, I was afraid to read what they had written, but Deathbringer and I read them together.

Nightfall's read: I'm just tired, ngl. And I'm hungry.

It wasn't as bad as I had thought it'd be.

Ember had written: Life sucks, I'm single, but at least I don't have homework.

Jade's: She died so that I could live. How is that fair?

I feel you, Jade. I really do.

What personally scared me the most was what Python had written. I'm fine, but I wish I could feel again.

I stared at that particular phrase for a while, twisting it into different possible meanings in my mind, but I knew what he meant, and I hated it.

"Deathbringer, I don't know what to do," I said honestly, resting my head in my hands as I shut my eyes and let out a pained sigh. "It's all over. Gone. For good."



I looked over my shoulder and acknowledged Deathbringer as he walked down the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Out," I responded, decidedly not telling him about Pear. "I'll be back soon. I just have some... business to take care of."

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