[10] Disapproved

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Python had another nightmare.

Glory and I were under strict orders not to let the triplets find out what happened. After Darkstaller had awoken them, he had also erased their memory from everything that had happened that night. He offered to erase Python's mind, but he just backed away and shook his head.

"The futures are bad if they find out too soon," Darkstalker had said once everyone was out of the horrid building and was sleeping soundly. "Python will struggle since he doesn't want me to erase his mind, too, so keep an eye out for him."

The triplets had gone to bed, confused, but tired. Both Clover nor Lilly didn't have an understanding of what had happened, so they didn't mind.

Clearsight was dead. Leopard escaped. Python and Glory were both traumatized. I could hardly sleep at night, constantly getting up and checking on the kids, just to make sure they were still actually alive.

Or maybe we're all hallucinating and they really are dead.

That whole affair had happened about a week ago. Every night after that, Glory would wake up in the middle of the night sobbing. I would have to hold her until she would fall asleep again. She had bad nightmares, too, like Python. Sometimes he would come into our room and ask to sleep with us, terrified to sleep by himself.

Nightfall, Ember, and Jade went about their daily lives, completely oblivious to the fact that they were dead just a week ago. All suspicions on the Sundowns were dropped since no one had any solid proof, and I was left worrying for everyone's safety.

"C-can I sleep with you guys tonight?" Python whispered as he stood right outside our door, keeping his head low. "I... I had another nightmare. It was worse than the others." In the dim light, I noticed that his face was stained with tears as if he'd been crying just a few moments earlier.

"Of course," Glory whispered from her perch on the bed. She was awake, too, just awoken from another nightmare and staring off into space. She patted the space beside her. "Come here."

Python scrambled onto the bed without another moment to waste. I closed the door behind him and followed suit. I knew it was still hard for Python to adjust to the nightmares and occurring thoughts, so the least I could do was keep him company and help him whenever needed.

But some other part of me couldn't help but whisper, this is my fault, my fault. If I hadn't broken Clearsight's heart so quickly–if I had been smarter about it all.

Maybe they wouldn't have died.

But they're alive, and that's all that matters, whispered another, desperate part of me.

That's all I should focus on.


I had a therapist session scheduled for this morning, but I had deliberately decided not to go. I had more important things to account for, and that certainly did not include openly sharing my feeling and life experiences with some random person who's only trying to help because it pays for their bills.

Beside me, Glory and Python were still snuggled up close and in deep sleep. I debated on waking them or not but decided not to since they both had a rough time sleeping that night. When I left the room and headed downstairs, the triplets were already awake and arguing, per usu.

"I want the last of the cereal, you idiot," Ember snarled. "Give it! I got it first!" Jade was peacefully making eggs as she expertly ignored both of them.

"Yeah, well I literally told you all last night that I was going to have it," Nightfall shot back. "Now, let go, butthead."

"Dumbass," Ember retorted and they both started wrestling for it.

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