[7] Vision

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I barely managed to refrain from screaming as the bullet slammed into the wall in front of us. Lilly burst into tears at the sudden noise, and I tried to quiet her by rocking her in frantic motions.

"Glory," Deathbringer said with such ferocity, it startled me. "Go and take the kids downstairs into the Safe Room. Quick!"

The Safe Room was a hidden place in the house Deathbringer had planted just in case something bad happened and it was too dangerous to go out. We had never used it before, so my mind was a bit fuzzy about where it was.

Moon had her back pressed onto the side of our bed, breathing heavily.

How did she know?

"What about you?" I demanded, breathing heavily now. Another bullet rang into the air, landing way closer to us. Deathbringer quickly sheltered me with his arms.

The kids–they could be in trouble.

"Glory, you need to go!" Deathbringer hissed. "You too, Moon. Get everyone to the Safe Room. I'll be there once I've handled this."

"I can't leave you!" I cried, Lilly now crying in tiny sobs.

"You have to!" Deathbringer insisted. "I'll be fine! Go get the kids!"

"You could die!" I yelled right back. "And you can't die!" Deathbringer sent me a desperate look.

"Please, Glory," he begged. "I'm trained for this stuff. "Just protect the kids. I'll cover you guys."

"He's right," Moon agreed, two more bullets shattered the window and one nearly grazed my arm as it slammed into the floor.

Whoever they are, they can clearly see us.

"Go!" Deathbringer cried, and this time, I didn't hesitate. I shot up to my feet and out into the hallway, noticing the horrified expressions on Jade and Ember's faces. Python poked his head out of his room.

"Mom, what's–" Python started but I interrupted him.

"No time! We're going to the Safe Room–now!" Without another word, they whisked past me and down the stairs. "Go tell Qibli and the others!" I said to Moon, who blinked at me.

"You're not coming?" she asked as I shoved Lilly into her arms.

"I have to help Deathbringer!" I cried. "Go now! Lock the door once you're all inside. Moon, go!" Moon quickly nodded and thudded down the stairs, issuing orders to panicked Kinkajou, Turtle, and Qibli.

I crawled back into the room, opening a drawer and taking out a hidden gun Deathbringer always kept for safekeeping. Of course, it was legalized. With trembling hands, I loaded it and cocked it.

"Glory, what are you doing here?" Deathbringer demanded when he noticed me from his perch with his back against a wall, holding a gun. "Go with the kids!"

"Like I said," I reminded as I pressed my back onto the bed, trying to get enough time to turn around to shoot, "I can't leave you." Deathbringer didn't argue with that, probably figuring they didn't have time to chit-chat.

"Be careful," Deathbringer whispered as he looked into my eyes before cocking his gun. He suddenly stood up and shot out of the window for half a second before crouching back down in front of the wall as more bullets came pouring in.

"Who is it?" I yelled over the gunshots.

"I can't tell," Deathbringer yelled back. "Whoever they are, they're wearing a mask! I don't know who they are!"

Wings Of Fire As Humans ~ 3 ~ {GLORYBRINGER}Where stories live. Discover now