[23] Tremor

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So, a lot of people were HARASSING me for some flashbacks on Glorybringer's proposal; wedding; et cetera et cetera, so this chapter is mostly pinpointed on those. But, you all know me, lol. My motto is "Keep it interesting", and so of course, this chapter will obviously have some drama after the three flashbacks. I'm not going soft, lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! ^^


I was relieved that Glory was off today. She's been working nonstop, even though the money we now possessed was enough to last us at least a year without working. I hardly saw her, and she worked as much as 48 to 56-hour shifts as a surgical intern.

I, on the other hand, stayed home and struggled with the kids.

"Good morning, Deathbringer," Glory'd voice said from behind me. I brought my cup of coffee to my lips as I turned around.

I nearly choked on that coffee.

"Glory?" I fumbled out. "Why are... you in your wedding dress?"

"Just trying it out," Glory said, lifting it to walk down the stairs. Memories from our wedding seemed to replay, over and over again on repeat. "It surprisingly still fits me. How do I look?"

"Just as beautiful as the day I married you," I said, slowly placing my coffee down as I stared at her. "Is it my lucky day or what?"

"I guess it is since Lilly and Clover are both still asleep," Glory pointed out, turning as she checked herself out in her dress. The wedding dress hugged her body up until it reached her hips, and then it started to flow freely. Flowers decorated the top that was over Glory's chest and ran along the bottom of the dress.

"You're gorgeous," I said gently, walking toward her and placing my arms on her waist, pulling her in closer.

Glory smiled. "Well, beauty doesn't last."

"Yes it does," I said, leaning down and gently kissing her. She rested a hand on my chest and let the other trail up to my neck, tugging me down closer.

"Are you guys getting remarried or what?" Ember's skeptical voice asked, followed by Jade's smart remark: "They can't 'remarry' since they never got a divorce in the first place. They can renew their wedding, though."

Glory broke away from me, tossing her head over her shoulder to cast the two a stern look just as Nightfall thudded down the stairs.

"Woah..." he slowly said, eyeing Glory. "Uh, Mom? Is that... your wedding dress?"

"You like it?" Glory asked, smiling as she turned to face them.

"It looks so pretty on you!" Jade said, nodding.

"Fun fact," I said, leaning back onto the counter as I slightly grinned, knowing Glory wouldn't like me bringing this up, "when I first proposed to Glory, she said no."

Nightfall raised his eyebrows as Jade's jaw dropped. Glory shot me a glare.

"I thought we agreed not to bring up that subject, babe," Glory said, casting me a fake smile.

"Really?" Ember asked skeptically.

"Mom, you said no?" Jade asked. "Why?"

Glory sighed. "Yes, I did. That's all you need to know. Listen, when I was younger, I was still unsure about a lot of things, so I–"

"You were unsure of your love for Dad?" Nightfall asked. "Wow."

"No!" Glory cried.

"I remember it like it was yesterday," I continued, squinting up at the roof.

Wings Of Fire As Humans ~ 3 ~ {GLORYBRINGER}Where stories live. Discover now