[11] Bad News and Bad People

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"She was a failure! Just like you!"

"How gullible are you?"

"You're a disgrace!"

"I never want to see your revolting, disgraceful, rebellious self ever again."

"And I'll never love you."

The awful memories kept on whirling around in my head, slamming into me over and over again. I just wanted Grandeur to approve of me once. Just one time. It cut deeper than I expected it to when I saw Grandeur's expression when she walked into my home.

I don't think Deathbringer noticed how anxious I felt about Grandeur being here, but I didn't have time to worry about it as I opened the front door to Tsunami and Riptide with their kids.

"Hey, Glory!" Tsunami said with a grin as Riptide sent me a friendly wave. Tsunami was holding a tray of sweets and the biggest pie I had ever seen. I took a step back so they could enter.

"Hi," Reef greeted. He was on his phone and barely glanced up at me. Coastal had her arms wrapped around Riptide's leg as she buried her face into it. Coastal was extremely shy and definitely did not want to be there.

I crouched down in front of Coastal, gently smiling at her. "Hi, there," I said sweetly. Coastal peeked out from behind Riptide's leg. "How are you?"

Costal stared at me with wide eyes. Her tight grip on Riptide's leg softened as she regarded me for a moment.

"Good," she finally squeaked, making Tsunami quietly laugh.

"I'm glad to hear that," I said, sent her one last smile, and stood back up. "Thanks," I said to Tsunami, taking the food from her hands. I balanced them as I turned and walked over to the dining table, gently placing them on it.

"So, you have a soft spot?" Tsunami mused as Reef turned to walk into the living room where Nightfall and Python were. She paused. "Um. Glory. Do you realize your mom is here?"

I sighed. "Yes. I know." Lynx was very neatly folding the napkins into a unique design and placing them beside each plate. Qibli and Winter were both occupied trying to make everything symmetrical, especially the silverware and plates.

I don't think I have ever seen Qibli so concentrated.

"The turkey is coming out great!" Kinkajou called from the kitchen where she was with Moon. "It just needs a few minutes before–oh, hi, Tsunami! You came!"

"Of course I came," Tsunami snorted. I heard Kinkajou loudly greet Riptide and Reef, and then spend a whole minute awing at how adorable Coastal was. Meanwhile, Grandeur sat down at the kitchen table with a slight frown on as she eyes Tsunami and the rest of her family.

I was just glad the house was clean.

"Qibli!" I called, and he immediately poked his head into the kitchen.

"Hm?" he asked as Lynx stopped folding to look up.

"You have the best playlist. You're in charge of music," I said, to which he grinned.

"I'm glad to finally be acknowledged for my excellent taste in music," he said proudly.

"Don't get a big head," I shot back. I was mostly trying to impress Grandeur to show her how nice my home and friends were. "Or, in this case, bigger than the one you already have." Qibli merely shrugged and took out his phone.

We are going to have a good time, I kept telling myself. No matter what. No one, not even Grandeur, can ruin that.

The door rung again.

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