[25] Worst Case Scenario

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Glory's face contorted to horror in a second.

"What's so horrifying about the closet she's stuck in?" I asked, tilting my head at her.

"Um," Glory muttered, standing up.


"I mean, what are the odds?" I cried. "It has to be Leopard. Or, like, at least someone who works for him."

"They already have enough problems with guns," Glory growled. "They can never catch a break. I am starting to think moving here was a bad idea."

I drove, my hands closed around the steering wheel in frustration and impatience.

"Well, if they're in a closet, they'll be alright?" I asked. "They have to be alright or else I seriously have no idea what I'm going to do with myself."

Glory rested her head in her palm as she let out a sigh. "Jade isn't with them."

"What?" I asked. "Where is she?"

"I asked Ember. She doesn't know."

Lilly and Clover sat peacefully in the backseat, staring out the window and mumbling a few words every now and then.

"I don't want the babies to grow up like this," I said after a moment. "It isn't fair to them."

"It isn't fair to anyone," Glory said, glancing up in the review mirror to look at them, too. "Deathbringer, we're horrible parents."

"I know," I murmured.

"The Python I knew is completely gone. Nightfall hardly ever talks anymore, Jade's more sensitive, I can barely think straight and I'm functioning on coffee and only coffee. What are we doing? They have so many unexcused absences that I'm pretty sure the government might get involved. I have no idea what I'm going to do. It's like disasters are attracted to this family."

"Should we move back?" I hesitantly asked.

"I... don't know. They'll be extremely paranoid after this."

When we made it to the school, I wasn't surprised to see hundreds of other parents there, angrily fuming at the cops who blocked the only entrance to the school.

"My son is in there," a woman with brown hair yelled as an officer had to quite literally manhandle her away from the door.

"There are five officers in there looking for the shooters!" a cop yelled over the commotion. "I assure you they will be found!"

So, there are more than one?

Oh, please be safe.

Glory pushed through the crowd with me on her heels. She stopped short as an officer raised an arm in front of her, blocking her path.

"Lady, stay back," he said sharply.

"Listen, my kids are in there," Glory said, trying to walk around, but it was impossible. "Let me get to them! Please?"

"Everyone here wants to get their children. You're just going to have to wait it out," he snapped with a completely straight face. "Now, back up."

"But–" Glory tried to get past again and was met with strong arms shoving her back with brute force. I had to lunge forward to catch her.

"Hey," I barked at the officer, but he only shot me a hard glare. Glory scanned around the officer before smiling. I helped her up and she turned to me.

"I'm going to do something risky and partially stupid," she said, completely serious.

"Glory, let's talk about this," I said, frowning. "What do you have in mind–" Before I could finish, she turned and ran at the officer, ducking under his arm and darting for the school doors.

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