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There was a series of banging on our front door.

Glory abruptly sat up from beside me on the couch in our living room, looking over her shoulder at the door with an exasperated expression. Python was sprawled out on the floor as he stared up at the TV, his favorite show on. He ignored the banging.

"I'll get it," I said standing up and walking to the door, Glory following me regardless. I opened the door to Kinkajou, Moon, Qibli, and Turtle.

"Ugh, more strangers?" Glory asked but a smile danced on her lips. Kinkajou walked in a threw her arms around Glory.

"Long time no see," I said to Moon as she hugged me. I greeted Qibli and Turtle with a brief hug. "Winter and Lynx aren't here right now, but they'll be back in like an hour. In the meantime, make yourselves at home."

"Don't touch anything," Glory said as she eyed Kinkajou gawking at our family photos.

"Auntie!" Python said as he sat up from his perch on the floor.

"Hey, Py," Moon said affectionately as she walked over to him and pulled him into a bear hug.

"Nice place," Turtle said as he looked around the house. "It's been a while since I've been here, but it looks prettier than last time."

"Yeah," I agreed. "We renovated it a little."

"When was this?" Kinkajou asked as she lifted a picture of Glory and the triplets, Glory pregnant with Python and the triplets arguing about something.

"We went there for their eighth birthday," Glory explained as Qibli and Moon took a seat in the dining room. "Right before I gave birth to Python, I think."

"What about this one?" Kinkajou held up another photo–a more recent one–where I held Glory and she had her head resting on my shoulder. I was kissing her forehead and she had the faintest of a smile on her lips.

"Our twelfth anniversary," I said with a slight nod.

"What about–" Kinkajou started but got interrupted by Glory.

"Okay," Glory said as she walked over and plucked another photo out of Kinkajou's hand and placed it back on its perch on a decorative table. "Enough of that. I'll go get the kids and we can talk until Winter comes back."

"Where's Tsunami?" I asked Moon as I turned to her. She seemed a bit upset at something but quickly snapped out of it to answer my question.

"She's coming with Riptide," Moon said. "They should be here soon."

A moment later, Glory came down the stairs holding both babies with the triplets right behind her.

Clover let out an audible gasp.

"Cover your ears," I advised, and Turtle obeyed without having to be told twice.

"AUNTIE MOONY!" Clover shrieked, and Qibli looked like he wished he had listened to my suggestion. Glory winced, Clover being right next to her ear. Clover wriggled out of her arms and did a little baby run over to where Moon was sitting, throwing her arms up.

"Aww, she's grown so much!" Kinkajou said as she walked into the dining room with Turtle.

"Qibli!" Jade said as she ran over to hug him. Jade apparently adored Qibli. She laughed at everything he said and always wanted to please him. "Finally you guys come to visit. Hi, Moon!"

"Hi!" Moon said with a huge smile on her face as she picked up Clover.

"Hi, Turtle. Hi, Kinkajou." Jade briefly hugged them before sitting at the table beside Qibli, who draped an arm over her shoulders.

Wings Of Fire As Humans ~ 3 ~ {GLORYBRINGER}Where stories live. Discover now