[3] Nothing Matters

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I came home to the kids all crowded in the living room. The boys were playing video games on the TV while Jade and Ember were both busily gossiping about the people in their school. The babies played with the building blocks on the carpeted floor.

I had just come back from grocery shopping and placed the bought items on the island in the kitchen. It was about nine at night and it was a school night, so I wondered why they were all still wide awake. I was just about ready to pass out.

"Hey, mom," Python called as he noticed me from the corner of his eye as fought against Nightfall on some battle game. "Did you get the fruit punch?"

"Yeah," I answered as I tiredly unpacked the food and placed them in the refrigerator and the cabinets. "And I bought more pancake batter."

"Okay, mom, guess what happened today in school," Jade said as she turned around to me. Ever since Jade had told us she was gay, she seemed more peaceful and happy than ever.

Grandeur would disagree. Who cares what she thinks, though?

Deathbringer is always pushing me to talk to her again and fix our relationship, but I spoke against it every time. He's one to talk, too. It's not like he and his mother had the best relationship, either.

"Fill me in," I answered as I stored the plastic bags for whatever. I walked into the living room.

"So, two girls in our school got into a big fight and one of them even brandished a knife," Jade said, still seeming to be in disbelief. "Of course, the teachers didn't see it, or else the whole school would've gone on lockdown."

I hesitated. "Who won?"

"The girl without the knife, obviously," Ember said as she flicked her hair. "She knocked the knife out of the other girl's hand and started throwing hands. It was so entertaining!"

"I got the whole thing on camera," Jade added, seeming pleased with herself. I snorted before chuckling. I suddenly felt a hand on my thighs and looked down to see Clover reaching her arms up in the air to let me pick her up.

"Hey," I murmured in a baby voice as I picked her up and rocked her. I was still pretty bothered by the fact that Mrs. Sundown had a hold on my daughter, and I've been extra cautious recently.

I also never forgot what she had said to me before kicking me out of her house.

"When I fatally get rid of you and your foolish husband, your kids will be in great hands. I promise."

I shivered before placing a kiss on Clover's temple as I set her back down.

"Damnit!" Nightfall cried as Python yelled in victory.

"Language," I said with a small laugh as I ruffled his hair. "Where's your dad?"

"Upstairs, drinking his problems away again," Ember said calmly as she took off her phone and started scrolling through Instagram. I frowned.

"What?" I asked.

"He's drunk," Nightfall summarized. "So don't bother. I already tried."

"What do you mean 'again'?" I asked, confusion filling my waking thoughts. "This has happened before?"

"A lot more often, recently," Jade said as she sent me a worried glance. "What's going on with him, Mom?"

I hesitated, not knowing what to say. Deathbringer and I had had this talk before, and he promised me he'd stop drinking away his problems.

But, he's also stopped taking his anti-depressants, too. We need to talk about that.

Deep down inside, I felt like Deathbringer's mental state had only plummeted after hearing news about his grandmother, Quickstrike, dying. He acted like he didn't care, but I knew he secretly did.

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