Teen Girls Experience the Horrors of Liking Boys

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"Can I at least drink water?"

"You'll vomit."

"I'm sure that speaks more for your training than of my resistance as a human being..." 

I'm sweating in places I didn't even know I could sweat. I'm aching in muscles I didn't even know existed. Makes me reconsider some of my life choices. 

A shadow stands over me. "Get up."

"Miguel," I smile sweetly. "Let's forget my training. Can I interest you in a fancy dinner?"

"We're halfway through the circuit that Chiron planned out for you, if you stop now, you'll feel worse later," he replies sternly.

"I'll correct two things in that sentence, okay?" I sit up. "If I stop now, I won't die of a cardiac arrest. And it was you who planned out this circuit after asking a hypothetical question to Chiron!"

"Hurry up, Queen B!" Lily urges me.

"Stop yelling at me with that psychotic look in your eyes!" I lower my voice so only Mike can hear me. "Did you know she tried to convince Percy to train me according to her methods?"

"Who told you that?"

"My sources." It was Percy.

Mike crouches beside me. "Look, beast, Hephaestus said that you had to get stronger—"

"I won't make it to fourteen if you keep pushing like this!"

My friend pulls me up. "Don't be dramatic, that's Lily's job."

"Fine," I pick up my sword, "but if my arms fall off, it's on you. You lost the little common sense you had when you started to hang out with us."

"Ara, I believe you're the next child of Olympus—Even if I weren't a son of Apollo, I'd see just how mentally ill I am," he jokes.

Lily whistles with an overly enthusiastic expression. "You're late! Get going!"

"Be thankful I don't like using my powers for evil!" I walk over to the dummies in the arena.

"And what would you do, a makeover?" She teases me.

"I could make you confess to a certain someone!" I pounce at a dummy and cut off its arms.

"You won't do it," she says calmly. "I'm your best friend."

"You're my worst nightmare," I mutter. The dummy I'm fighting now has no legs.

"Someday, you're going to thank us for being so hard on you," Mike states.

"Save me the lecture, you're not my dad," I scowl.

"I'm older than you," he continues with a shit-eating grin. "I'll take any chance to drop a lecture on you and Lily."

I plunge my sword into the dummy's chest. "Awesome."

"Next station!" Lily exclaims happily.

I run to the archery area, grabbing a bow and a quiver. Lily and Mike stand behind me.

"Three hits and go! C'mon, beast!"

"That nickname is so out of place," I struggle to aim at the target. "There's nothing bestial about me, it's like calling a kitten a lion."

"Right, 'cause you're so well-behaved," Michael approaches and lifts my bow higher. "Not like you used to fight the Ares cabin..."

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