Just Because I Have Fashion Sense Doesn't Mean I Have Common Sense

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I sit next to Percy and lean my head on his shoulder. "That nightmare you had," I say, referring to Annabeth being crushed by darkness. "You'll tell Chiron about it?"

"He'll say he's got a clue but he won't tell me," Percy states grumpily.

"You think Annabeth wants to join the hunt?" I make a face. "I can't imagine not being able to fall in love."

"Annabeth probably found that flyer on the ground and picked it up, you know she hates littering," He straightens in his place, looking right up at the Big House. "I got it."

Percy takes me to see the oracle, is my first time meeting her, and I'm torn between awe and terror. You're supposed to be granted a quest in order to get a prophecy, and Percy has none. I'm not expecting her to respond, but I ask anyway to support Percy. Then I freak out when I hear her voice.

Percy's already leaving, talking as if I were following him down the stairs, but I approach the oracle. "What?" I inch closer.

Percy hears my voice, still upstairs, and stops. He calls after me but I don't reply. I lean down in front of the mummy, her whispers are impossible to comprehend from where I am, so I support one hand on the back of her chair and put my ear right next to her mouth.

"...Beware arae."

"What are you doing?" Percy's voice startles me and I scream a little. 

"I-I'm looking at her dress!" I quickly recover and rush past him. "Great quality!"

I don't know if Percy can tell I'm lying. I also don't know why the oracle addressed me by my real name.


Ara has visited enough magical shops to know they're never fun.

"Guys..." Jason steps out of the elevator. "You've got to see this."

"This is not Macy's," Piper breathes.

The stained window ceiling is beautiful, everything looks fragile and Ara's crow brain buzzes with excitement. She wants to look around, but at the same time, she knows that shiny things are the first to kill you.

Leo gets closer to the railing. "Check it out!"

"Coach Hedge!" Piper gasps. "We've got to get down there."

"May I help you find something?" A woman asks behind them, making them jump. "I'm so happy to see new customers. How may I help you?"

"Um..." Jason pauses. "Is this your store?"

"I found it abandoned, you know," she replies with a pleasant smile. "I understand so many stores are, these days. I decided it would make the perfect place. I love collecting tasteful objects, helping people, and offering quality goods at a reasonable price. So this seemed a good... how do you say... first acquisition in this country."

Ara has a gigantic list of beings that have tried to trick her and her brother into buying stuff at a reasonable price. A reasonable price means turning into guinea pigs or giving away your own parents.

"So you're new to America?" Jason asks. 

"I am... new. I am the Princess of Colchis. My friends call me Your Highness. Now, what are you looking for?"

"Jason..." Piper mutters reluctantly.

"Um, right. Actually, Your Highness..." he points to the first floor. "That's our friend down there, Gleeson Hedge. The satyr. Could we... have him back, please?"

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