I'm The Whole Dam Circus

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"Where are we?" Leo cleans his nose. "I mean, what city?"

"Omaha, Nebraska," Piper replies. "I saw a billboard as we flew in. But I don't know what this mansion is. We came in right behind you, but as you were landing, Leo, I swear it looked like—I don't know—"

"Lasers," Leo and Ara say at the same time.

Jason whistles, frowning at the fence around them. "Some defense system. How are we even alive?"

"Festus," Leo explains miserably. "He took the fire. The lasers sliced him to bits as he came in so they didn't focus on you. I led him into a death trap."

"You couldn't have known," Piper tries to comfort him. "He saved our lives again."

"But what now? The main gates are locked, and I'm guessing I can't fly us out of here without getting shot down," Jason scowls at their surroundings.

"Since we can't go out, we'll have to go in," says Leo, staring up at the mansion with a frown. 

They approach the house, but Leo keeps stopping Jason and Ara every now and then to deactivate traps on the go. It's impressive, and he does it without even paying attention. Ara's a little jealous, she'll never be as good as him, and that strikes a nerve.

"You're amazing, man," Jason admits in awe.

"Yeah, amazing," Leo scoffs. "Can't fix a dragon right, but I'm amazing."

"Hey, that wasn't your—"

"Front door's already unlocked," the boy walks in without waiting for them.

Ara enters after him, Jason and Piper stay behing talking in hushed whispers and Ara tries to strike up a conversation with Leo, but he speaks before she can. 

"You must think I'm an A-class dipshit."


"That was your dragon," Leo keeps searching for traps so he doesn't have to look at her. "You cared about him and I—"

"Don't pile up more guilt on yourself," Ara interrupts him sternly.

He stops. "You're saying I shouldn't apologize?"

"You're throwing a pity party," Ara responds, perhaps too harshly. "'Oh, I can't do nothing right'— stop it."

"I'm saying I'm sorry, Ara, what's your problem?" Leo scoffs.

"It's okay that you care, I get it, but self-deprecation isn't good," Ara faces him. "If you're sorry say you're sorry, don't call yourself bad things. I forbid you from being mean to yourself."

"Forbid me?" Leo's eyes widen in disbelief. "You can't control how I feel!"

"Actually, I can!" She threatens. "I have charmspeak! You keep this up—and I have ways to find out even if you do it in secret—I'll trick you into believing you're a baby rabbit!"

"Alright! Damn!" Leo steps back scowling. "Calm down..." 

Jason and Piper catch up with them and Ara hears Leo mumble, though she can't quite hear what he's saying. "Where's the light switch?" Jason inquires.

"Don't see one," Leo replies.

"Fire?" Piper suggests.

The boy tries, but nothing happens. "It's not working."

"Your fire is out? Why?"

"Bad news," Ara says worryingly. "If something's blocking our powers..." It feels unlucky to have landed on the one house that's got a magical barrier protecting it.

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