So I put back some of it, thinking that I couldn't make an awesome outfit out of it.

I also had new clothes, after shopping with Brooke ! She gave me some nice advices.

She was kind of acting like a big sister with me, she was very protective and never judged my style. I loved her so much.

They also made a really good duo with Hobie, they made me laugh so much.
But you could see that they really cared about each other.

After about 20 minutes (she said 10 but heh), Gwen entered my room through a portal.

She had some casual clothes and carried a backpack. Her outfit was in it I guessed.

She looked at my room and sighed as she noticed a huge amount of clothes on my bed.

Then, we began to think about some of my clothes that would match together.

She sat down on my bed, and I left the room to try the first outfit we thought of.

My parents weren't home, so we put some music on the apartment and just had fun.

I was literally a runway model at this point.
Gwen gave me different looks each time, but they all were pretty funny.

It took us two hours.. This was SO long, but finally we found THE outfit.

I felt so pretty and hot, not gonna lie.

Then, it was makeup time.
My outfit was very [your style] so I had to do a makeup that matched.
Which took me another hour..

At this point, Gwen was just ranting about her and Miles, while trying to play on my bass.

"Yeah.. so.. It's official now.
He's my boyfriend."
She mumbled.

I opened my mouth in shock and turned my head towards her, as I was putting some mascara on.

"Finally ! Congrats Gwendy !!"
I replied, with a wide smile.

She smiled weakly and chuckled.
They were so embarrassed about that, it was pretty cute to be honest.

Then, we both got notifications on our phones. It was the groupchat.

Par ty starting in 1 hour, where are you guy.

😭 bro its in an hour we're obviously not there

i at tje pub

🤨hobie no way🙀
youre already ❤️‍🔥drinking ?!?🍺 wait for us bro!🥳🥳🥳

na iam figtibg

not the typo💀 damn love just get ready

leme finih nd i come t you place

wasup my babes its daddy miggy 😘😘🥵

☆ Both outsiders ☆ Hobie Brown x Reader ☆Where stories live. Discover now