Chapter 27: Act 6

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Hogwarts, September 10th 1975 

In the arms of the one he missed most of all, Sirius drifted peacefully into a restless slumber.

"That's where he went." A deep and grave voice said in relief and agitation. Three men stood before them, a portal swirling ominously behind their backs allowing black and red smoke to dance across the carpeted floor.

Screams of terror echoed through the halls of Hogwarts as the fat lady sprinted toward the next portrait over, never stopping until she found her way into the office of the one and only Albus Dumbledore.

"There are monsters among us! Monsters I tell you!"

Thanatos towered in the red and gold-coated room. Behind him flanked both Poseidon and Hades, with Strix floating not too far behind. 

They traced Sirius' magical signature through the timeline after discovering the ritual site, to which led them to this exact moment. 

The Gods stared down at the Mauraders, debating internally on what they should do. 

If Sirius were to mess with the timeline, there's a chance Estella or Draco would never be born. This single fact is what made them rush through time so hastily. Estella has surely been targeted, more so than her brother.

The twin's magic had been cut so abruptly, alerting the gods of their departure. With no ties back to the world, and no magic to track, they would have to interrogate Sirius on who had given him the spell. On who he'd talked to. 

There are so many enemies out there, that they're not entirely sure of what, or who, they're working against. 

Titans, Sorceresses, Deities, Apprentices, Gods, rather strong witches, Angels, Demons, and Lords of Religion. 

So much could have happened, and Estella can only live so long without a tie to Tartarus. 

"Alright, hand him over." Thanatos was agitated and waved his hand over the 17-year-old Sirius. His body floated off the ground but Regulus held him steadily. 

"Who are you, and why are you trying to take my brother?" The magic crackled in the air, nearly suffocating Lily's cat, who Thanatos recognizes as Crookshanks. 

"Your brother has traveled back in time into his younger body through an unstable ritual. That is all I will tell you." 

Not that he would remember, Hades thought.

Everyone in the room stared at the three men suspiciously. "How did you enter Hogwarts? No one but the Headmaster would be able to Apparate inside."

"My apologies." Thanatos gritted out. He placed a gloved hand over his chest and bowed slightly. "Thanatos, God of Death."

"Hades, God of the Underworld." He followed. 

"Poseidon, God of the Sea."  

As proof, they all let out a pulse of magic that lit their insignia into the air. 

The children openly stared, mouths opening and closing like fish out of water. When no replies came, Thanatos grabbed Sirius gently and pulled him away from his brother. The tip of his gloved finger tapped his soul, peeling the aged and bound version of the man out of the 17 year old body. 

Poseidon rinsed the children's minds of the memory, going back 13 hours, and scoured the rest of the castle for the differences in the time line. 

Once everyone was unaware, all diary entries were erased, and any proof of change was gone, the three Gods dragged Sirius back to Grimmauld Place. 

The mans sleep went uninterrupted, as they didn't need him awake for this bit. 

Poseidon's water went through an ear, slithering out the other... Inside was a memory that would hopefully tell them all that they needed to know. 

They weren't allowed to ask the fates about where Estella and Draco were. Each god had tried. They were to search for her themselves without harming her timeline. It was meant to happen, but the thought of the twins dying sent an unpleasant shiver down their spine. 

They searched through the memory, seeing and hearing nothing of use. A book, the same that Thanatos held the day that his person disappeared, held an ancient spell. Everyones always agreed that dark and light magic were the same, magic was magic. However this spell goes against time and life. Two things that insignificant mortals had no right to dabble in. 

If they were any later in their arrival, Sirius would have surely saved a few lives that aren't meant to live past their due date. His friends, his brother, new children would be conceived, new prophecies would be told, wars wouldn't end. The butterfly effect is real and detrimental for this universe...


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