chapter 14 Act 4 part 1

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A/N Asterisks in italics are visions and if they have a hyphen then they continue off-screen/script. 

Estella's POV

Appearing in the middle of the woods I grinned. "Guess who's back? Back again." I whispered skipping towards my home. 

Entering the house I flicked my hand putting my trunk in my room. No one was here so I decided to stop at the grill. Strix stayed home wanting to go back to her caves. I took my precious bike with my car still attached to my bracelet. 

I entered seeing Alaric, Damon, and Elena quietly arguing about telling Jenna the truth. Apparently, Alaric thinks it's a good idea with the tomb vampires coming around and Elena thinks not while Damon is agreeing with whatever Elena says. I sat my happy ass down in the chair beside Alaric and dramatically started "Dear Diary. I tried. I want so much to make things right. But every instinct in my body is telling me to be careful. What you don't know can hurt you." I quoted from her diary or what she said in episode 5. "Since when has that only meant you? You said it yourself, Eleanor. Stop being a hypocrite. Bye Ric." I patted the teacher's head and went up to the bar. 

"Hello Matthew Mccaughnahey," I called out to Matt who was behind the bar. "Estella! Where have you been?" I sighed pulling out my phone and replying to him with, "Scotland and Louisiana. A bit of London too."

Ellie 🧙🎶 - to - Jay ⚔️ 👨‍🎨

Hey guess who's back? 

Go ahead guess

Jay ⚔️ 👨‍🎨 - to - Ellie🧙🎶

No way


Ellie 🧙🎶 - to - Jay ⚔️ 👨‍🎨


Jay ⚔️ 👨‍🎨 - to - Ellie🧙🎶



Not even 5 minutes later I hear the grill doors burst open. 'Jeremy really said 'you wanna see some real speed bitch?' I thought while a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. 

"That felt longer than 4 months." He mumbled in my hair. I chuckled quietly and wrapped my arms around him too. "Yes, indeed it did. The school was interesting and I put the fear of god into a few people. I bet you can guess."

We sat down at the bar and as Jeremy was about to open his mouth I held a finger up. "Hold that thought." I turned around and saw the main characters staring at us with their eyes wide open and jaws on the floor. Except for Damon. I gave them a mocking smile and Damon a wink and snapped my fingers, silently making a silencing bubble around the 2 of us. 

"Okay we're good, they can't hear," I said turning back to the boy. He grinned and started throwing out questions. "I bet it was Barty. It was, wasn't it? How far into the movie are you? Does time run differently there? Did you learn any new spells?" I laughed at his eagerness. "Yes, it was Barty. I also think I made Pansy Parkinson piss herself and the second task is next month. I helped Harry talk to Dragons and I met Charlie Weasley the night Hagrid took us to see them. It's January there right now so I think the time may go by a little slower there; and yes, I learned a few new spells."

He had a giddy smile and motioned for me to keep going, so I did. "Harry's singing is atrocious so I had Hermione help me find an autotune spell for him. That's how he got through the first task. He sang to the dragon catching her attention. I have a mini boy version of her. His name is Stormfly but he's with Harry right now. I get her when I go back for the second task. Ummm Lucius is a dick. Draco was a bit of an ass but when I told him off he stopped...kind of. I am apparently the Queen of Tartarus and I am officially the mistress of death. Oh! I have a tattoo on my back and a huge dagger comes out! I'll have to show you later.... I gained some new powers I guess. uhhhh hold on let me think..."

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