Chapter 5 Act 2

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(I dislike this chapter for some reason :D)

3rd POV

When Thanatos felt his mistresses distress he frantically got Hades to take over his duties for the day. The hurtful words he was hearing come from Estellas own brother made his so angry that he himself lost control. He felt how cold it was becoming. If he let this go on she might snap and make him into a dementor.



As soon as they entered Olympus Estella went limp. It seems the traveling and her emotions were too much at once. The god of death sighed and put her down in her room that he claimed as hers the first time she arrived. Hades showed up and asked about her but Thanatos could say nothing. He felt so much rage that they dare abandon her and cause her pain. He felt her emotions and in that moment he knew she would never be the same.

"Shit Strix is still there."

Hades nodded and erupted into blue flames and traveled to Strix. He gifted the "dragon" to the sweet girl he was yet to meet because he knew this would happen one day. One way or another the Malfoy's would either take her in and love her then make her leave when Voldemort came back again or they wouldn't accept her at all. He wanted someone to be there for her when they couldn't be.

Strix only remembers being in a dragon form but Hades knows what she is. She is a Yokai also known as Tatsu. He will tell her later.

Strix slowly walked up to her other half in her natural form and curled around her. She can feel the waves of sadness flowing out of her.

2 hours later she woke but did not move. Strix nudged her but all she did was snuggle further down and stair blankly at the ceiling.

Thanatos had an idea but he didn't know if he should do it.... He's gonna do it.

He patted Estella's head fondly and went to look for Hermes. If that world wouldn't welcome her then he would just find his mistress a new one. The first two were ghastly to her. He just needs to go through his notes about her and see what she would enjoy the most.

Now you may be thinking

"He WrItEs NoTeS aBoUt HeR?!"

Yes. Yes he does, because he knew she was special. Originally she was going to be the one to stop Voldemort but she died too early in the world she was sent to and was abandoned in the next. Now the world will go as it did in the books. If she were still there she'd have ended him before Sirius died. She would have brought unity to the houses and saved many lives. Now they have to deal with that because she will not be going back there. Not if the gods had anything to do with it... and obviously they did.

Estella can only spend so much time in Olympus before her body and magic takes a toll so he needs to make this quick.

After another hour he knows exactly where he should send her.

"Estella?" All he got was a hum of acknowledgment. "I found a new place I think you would enjoy. You know it rather well. Do you want to go?" The god asked her softly. She stiffened and then sluggishly sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Where is this place?" Her voice was just above a whisper. If the room didn't have an echo then he's not sure if he would have heard it.

"The place is called Mystic falls....You could go there or New Orleans... Or you could pretend to not know anything and just travel." Her eyes brightened and she had a soft smile.

"Yeah that sounds fun. But what about Strix? yes, there are vampires and witches but surely dragons wouldn't be okay to walk around." With furrowed brows she voiced her concerns and Thanatos only grinned.

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