Chapter 25: Act 6

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Cold metal has always been a familiar feeling for Estella. The blades of her ice skates, microphones, her dagger, and cooking utensils....

However, waking up to a gun pointed at her forehead is definitely a first.

Her breathing stuttered and her eyes flickered around in a panic. 

To the left of her, Draco was being held roughly against the wall by a boy with a black eye. A childish whimper sounded through the metal room, bouncing from corner to corner like a pendulum of fear. 

A young child, Charlotte, was trapped against the wall.

Feeling less panic and more annoyance, she held a finger over the chamber's exit hole and gently pushed the gun out of her face.

"What's all of this?" She looked up at the frowning face of Bellamy Blake. Draco struggled, seeing the gun move back into its original position.

"I know you saw me shoot Jaha." She raised a brow. Seth did say that they'd hear their background soon, didn't he?

"And? You're a bad shot. He's totally alive." She taunted, seeing the tip of the gun shake. For a former guard, he's terrible at locking down his emotions. "How would you know?" He replied, scowl deepening. 

"In the position you shot, the bullet went through his... liver? The most damage you could do with that is acute blood loss. Especially with that doctor chick... Abby Griffin? She's good."

His furious brown eyes glared down at her. Sweat lined his brow and she could see his throat bob nervously. "You tell anyone and both you and your brother are dead." He waved the gun toward the door, signaling for the others to leave the room.

"I like Octavia and all, she's a nice girl... But threaten my brother again and I'll kill her slowly while you watch." 

Draco shivered, noticing how honest his sister seemed to be in that moment. Her voice didn't waver, nor did her menacing gaze.

She reminded him a bit of their aunt, Bellatrix.


He knows that she's killed. So had everyone else but him in his family. Therefore it made no difference in his eyes. 

However, knowing that she's done it compared to seeing her threaten someone places a different kind of fear in his soul. She'd never hurt him. She just threatened someone for threatening him after all. He's very much aware of that. Be that as it may, his 15-year-old naivety hadn't left yet. He had hope that they wouldn't have to end someone's life on this trip. He wasn't ready to see the light leaving a human's eyes. 

He wasn't ready to live without magic either.

Draco never thought he'd miss Hogwarts so much and it's only been one night.


Days passed by slowly. The Malfoy felt like he was going to drift into insanity. Nights ago, he had picked up a stick and tried to cast a charm to clean himself while half asleep. No magic. No bath. No shower. No soap. No potions. No Blaise. No scrub brushes. Not clean. 

Not clean.


Not clean. 




Estella could tell that Draco was having a very bad time. As was she, but what could she do? With her magic locked away, and no communication back to Olympus there was no way to get back. Not until they 'learn something.' 

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