Chapter 14 Act 4 Part 2

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The 14 year old squealed as she ran into my arms. "Elle what are you doing here?!" I huffed and rolled my eyes as we separated. "I wanted to visit you guys but I also have some business to do with Marcel for a few days. My schedule is off the rails." Davina caught me up on things before I left to find Marcel.


I woke up after founders day in my bed wrapped in a thick comforter. I sighed and grumbled deciding I would take care of Lucien today.

Filling up a suitcase full of clothes of all types and a bit of shoes, I sang along to the 80's playlist blasting from my mini speaker. My stomach grumbled as I finished.

"Good morning T, good morning Gods and Goddesses of Olympus." I greeted as I walked through the kitchen. Thanatos handed me a large plate of breakfast, commenting that I missed dinner last night because of the drama. "Also, I've narrowed down the location Lucien will be tonight and the next 3 nights; so if you want to just kill him off and go through his head today we can do that." He seemed excited. "What would you like to do?" I asked while munching on a strawberry.

"Well, he goes to this club. It's really high class and you have to have tickets to get in. But we could obviously take care of that, if not with magic then with money. We could torture him for the information, that would be entertaining. But the faster method would be going through his head."

"Can we make that painful so it is torture in itself?" He gave me a wicked grin. "Why yes, my mistress. We can."


And that's how we got here. We're currently in New Orleans letting Marcel know who we're taking care of and why. Not that he holds any authority over us, but because he and I already made a list of people who need taken down. All of this is for the Mikealsons and they haven't got a clue.

"Okay, so you're going to LA... to kill this guy because he makes himself a super original and kills a whole bunch of people... in like 3 years." Marcels brows furrowed as he scribbled down notes in his binder. Yes. A binder. We have many enemies to slay. "He also tries to take over the NOLA community with Aurora DeMartel and her brother Tristen. We're working on taking care of them next. It's more of a mercy killing for the girl, she's madly in love with Niklaus and she's bi-polar I think. Imagine a psych ward patient in a padded room, but add vampire heightened emotions and the love of your life leaving and his brother compelling you to play as his sister for 200 years while they run."

Marcel stares at me stunned before chuckling and shaking his head. "How old did you say these people are?"

"They turned in 1002. They're only slightly younger than the original family. Lucien was first, then Aurora, and lastly Tristen. They're called The Trinity. Lucien by Niklaus, Aurora by Rebekah and Tristen by Elijah; Leader of The Strix." He raised a brow. "The vampire faction you want to kill off or redirect?" Thanatos hummed and nodded. "They will be a problem in the future because of the DeMartels. If we take them out and they go a different way then that will be fine, but if they continue where they left off then well... Obviously that would be a problem."

We all talked a little while longer before Thanatos poofed us all to LA. We were all dressed appropriately for 'The City of Angels.' Thanatos was rocking his suit pants and shirt but with a leather jacket and sunglasses while Marcel was in a dress shirt and jeans. I, however, didn't feel like wearing pants and needed to age myself up. I did so magically and I wore a tied brown dress with boots with my waist length black and white hair flattened down. We looked amazing as we all walked down the sidewalk of LA.

The three of us stopped for coffee and to plan out what we were going to do. "I could get myself in as one of the dancers? You could be my body guards." I spoke up with a grin taking a sip of my iced coffee.

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