Chapter 12 Act 3

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After the utterly shocking performance from Harry, Estella told him to rest. Not only because the spell he used was advanced but because she was planning on teaching him to dance. In the movies, he made a fool of himself. She wouldn't allow that when she has had 7+ years of experience. 

2 days later the ball was announced and Minerva gave her version of dance lessons. After Ron publicly announced his wardrobe issue. 


"I can't believe mum sent me a dress. A dress for Merlin's sake! What would I even need it for?!" Ron complained while Harry carried Estella on his back to the meeting called by Minerva. She almost went to the Slytherin one just to see Sev yell at Draco for his atrocious dancing, but then she realized with Narcissa as a mother he's definitely had lessons.

So here she is, using Harry as a carriage. The students have gotten used to seeing her around and on Harry's back because it has become a common thing. 

As Harry entered Estella got off and stood in a dark corner. What? She likes dramatic entrances. Harry, Ron, and Hermione split up on opposite ends of the Hall.  Filch began to fiddle fuck with a record player; in turn, interrupting Minerva every 5 seconds. Estella got annoyed fast and made her presence known by flicking her hand, wandlessly adjusting the pin. Filch glared at her before stomping out of the room. 

Minerva pointed to the girls' side and Estella shrugged. Humoring her she sat on the end and the teacher continued her speech. 

"The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you, in the course of one evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling bumbling band of baboons." Estella drowned the woman's speech out watching as Fred and George try and say the words 5 times fast. 

She pepped up a bit seeing Ronald and Minerva prepping their postures. "Lady Nekros, if you please?" She did as asked and fixed the record player. Minerva began counting her steps but it was so offbeat that the dancer inside Estella was cringing. 

"Everyone on your feet!" The girls hopped up instantly but the boys were hesitant. 

"You heard her. NOW." Estella clapped and most got up but some stayed sitting. The girl sighed and balled her hand and picked them up by their undergarments telekinetically. Their screeches of horror and Estella's innocent smile had everyone stopping. 

" Partner up boys. Girls too." Neville stepped forward slowly but no one wanted to dance with him. Estella grabbed his hand with one and waved the other pushing pairs together. "Alright, Neville just follow my lead." 

A few hours later Harry was telling Estella all about how Neville was practicing in his pajamas.

Later the next day, Estella and Thanatos were walking around the courtyard to go to the black lake when they were stopped by a horde of people. Thanatos grabbed both sides of her waist and lifted her up to see what the hold-up was. "It's just Victor... Should we help him?" She asked as he put her down. He hummed and shrugged. 

Both poofing to the other side landing right beside the uncomfortable teen, Estella held a hand out to him offering him a way out. He took it gratefully and she took him to the library. "It should be safe in here. Good luck, friend. Call if you need me." She offered in Bulgarian. The girl poofed back to Thanatos who was being surrounded by 7th years. She gave him a teasing smile and gasped in mock horror. 

"My own husband seeking another?!" He went along with it and shook his head violently. "No my star! I promise they mean nothing to me!"

"That's what you said last time." She fake scoffed with watery eyes. "How can I ever trust you again?!" He put his hands on her cheeks and trembled his lips. "I'll give you a piggyback ride." He said seriously. She blanked her face of any emotions and looked him in the eyes. 

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