"And you're not going to tell him that I'm not, no?" I frown.

"No. They'd shoot us both if they found out you were a fed." She whispers 'fed.' "I'll translate what you're looking at."

I look at the menu. "What are you getting?"

"Ramen and soup dumplings. They're the best."

"Can I get two bowls of rice too, please?"

She nods her head and walks to the back, as she does, the man sits in her seat.

He was part of the Triad, I could see the ranking numbered tattoo on his neck. He's not a high member.

"Japan is East." He spits out, two gold teeth shining through his lips. "Go back."

I lean back. "I'm American." I smile.

His eyes narrow and one of his eyes twitch. He shouts something and two other Triad members walk in, both with lower ranking tattoos on their neck.

The older of the two says something and then the room falls to an eerie silence.

Ilaria walks back, a simple raise of the eyebrow and they all took a step back.

I wish I could understand Chinese.

They started arguing, and Ilaria shut them all down one by one, then sent them all out.

She sits down. "They're overly protective when foreigners come in. Last time, they blew the place up." She taps her fingers off the table. "They won't bother you again."

"Does the Reigns have affiliations in the Triad still?" I ask.

She leans back. "Should I be telling this to a fed?"

I raise my hands in surrender. "Not on duty."

"Yes. My aunts husband is the current leader at the moment, dad still comes back every year. Matteo will start doing business here too and he'll make a decision soon enough if he wants to take the place or leave it for them."  She ties her hair into a low ponytail.

"And that's why he just... up and left?"

"Yes and no." She gets up, walking to the fridge and taking out two cans of coke. She opens one and gives the other to me. "Most men just listen to what I say. They think it will make me like them more."

Astonished, I wait for her to elaborate.

She sips on the drink. "I'm looking for a husband, Asahi. Every man, for some reason, thinks they're a potential suitor. And they don't wanna get on my bad side."

I knew she was, but when she told me, I didn't think she was being serious. After all, she did tell me she was looking for a husband and not a fuck buddy, then proceed to let me use her as a hookup.

I crack open the coke. "Do you get tired of attention on you all the time?"

"No." She shakes her head. "Well, only when I look ugly hut that's very rarely."

I smile, waiting for our food to arrive.

It does, and I look at the tiny portions in utter starstruck. "You're kidding?"

"Not good enough for you, huh, big boy?" She takes her food off the tray.

The portion sizes were so small, like actually tiny, like for a child.

"I'm a grown man, this wouldn't even keep a child happy." Even with the 2 rices, it was just a tiny bowl of rice.

She rolls her eyes, beginning to eat.

ILARIA (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now