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Phayu's pov

For the past weeks, things have been going so well for me and Rain—perhaps too well. I never imagined this to happen; his dad coming to our house, infuriated, and threatening to bring his son back home and take him away from me.

It all happened so quickly.

Currently, Rain and I are in the living room and he's firmly holding the glass of water that I gave him but hasn't taken a single sip.


"P'Phayu, I...I don't want to go." He says, his eyes glassing over with uncried tears whilst he stubbornly tries to keep a straight face.

I can see that he's determined but at the same time, at a loss. He probably doesn't know what to do and if there's something I learned about his dad in that short time that we were, uh, acquainted, it's that he's equally stubborn—like father, like son.

Rain drops his gaze onto his lap and pouted at nothing in particular. Then he mutters, "I don't know why he's acting this way. He's not normally this hot-headed and difficult. He didn't even try to listen to me."

I pat the back of his head comfortingly, letting him know that I understand how he feels. I'm just as flustered as he is. But despite that, I also tell him, "Rain...I can see why your father reacted that way and I admit, I'm partly to blame."

At this, his eyes widen. He sets the glass down on the table and shifts his body towards me, telling me in a panic, "P'Phayu, this isn't your fault at all! I-I'm the one who...who lied because I didn't want my family to know that I worked as a cleaner." His voice gets smaller towards the end and he averts his eyes. "You must be disappointed. You always catch me lying through my teeth."

At this, I look him straight in the eyes and tell him honestly, "It's true that I don't like it when you lie, Rain. But I know that you did it because you didn't want to let your family down especially your dad. Also, I know you wanted them to be able to rely on you without feeling guilty so you couldn't tell them what you were going through.

"If you ask me, that only shows how much you truly love them."

A flicker of joy flashes across his eyes albeit dull and he ends up crying as he whimpers, "Thank you, P'Phayu. If you at least know how I feel, then that's good enough for me."

But I shake my head and disagree, "Rain, it's not enough for only me to know. Your dad should see your side too."

He hiccups, "B-But how?"

"Don't worry too much, Rain. I'll take care of it." I assure him even though, deep down, I'm not sure myself whether or not I can convince his dad. All I know is that I'm not willing to give him up. "Like I've said, I'm partly to blame so I'll take responsibility."

His expression turns curious and he asks, "Why do you keep saying that? How are you to blame, P'Phayu?"

I sigh, thinking about the mistake I made. Then I wrap an arm around his shoulders and pull him close. "To tell you the truth, Rain, when I asked you to come work for me and be an in-house maid, I didn't know anything about you...and quite honestly, I didn't want to."

"Why?" He asks, unable to keep himself from sulking a little bit. "Were you...not curious about me at all?"

But at this, I ruffle his hair playfully, making him whine in annoyance. Then I kiss his forehead to make up for teasing him and tell him seriously, "During that time, I felt like I couldn't trust anyone. No matter how well I thought I knew them, they still turned out to be different so I just took people at face value. I judged them based on what they showed me and you were the only person I warmed up to despite not knowing anything besides your name."

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