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Rain's pov

It's a Saturday. The gala is tomorrow and I have yet to find a way to get myself into the event.

P'Phayu usually sleeps in on weekends to catch up on much needed rest so I use this time to take an early morning stroll with his dog, Junior. After about ten minutes, we take a break and sit on a park bench where the carefree canine sniffs the air and lolls his tongue to one side goofily.

I chuckle and think out loud, "It must be nice not worrying about reputation or saving face, huh? Why did I lie? It's not like my job is anything to be ashamed of." To this, Junior just tilts his head and stares at me. I've really lost it; I'm even asking a dog.

I give him his favorite head scratches and tell him, "Let's go? Your dad might get up anytime soon." And Junior hops off the bench excitedly.

When we get back to the house, P'Phayu is only coming out of his bedroom. I've been doing this for a while and P'Phayu knows it too but it's the first time he's catching me on the act.

"I took him for a walk." I say with a timid grin and P'Phayu just nods. He then walks over to the kitchen and Junior automatically goes padding after him. Sometimes, I wonder if there was a time when P'Phayu was more affectionate with his pets too but before I could let that sit for too long, I remember I have a job to do.

"I'll make the coffee, P-"

But to my surprise, P'Phayu raises a hand as if to stop me and gestures to me to take a seat on the other side of the counter. I do as I'm told without a word despite feeling curious. P'Phayu making coffee in the morning? This adds to the list of things he's never done before and now I'm starting to feel nervous.

Is he suddenly gonna spring up on me that he's getting married or that I should move out?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as P'Phayu gently places a cup of coffee in front of me, then pours one for himself and takes a seat. For a while, we drink in silence and then...

"Today's your birthday, am I right?" P'Phayu asks but he sounds rather certain and it comes off more like a statement than a question.

"I-it is?" I ask back to which he quirks a brow at me. I hurriedly pull out my phone to check the date and realize is my birthday and I already have about a dozen messages from Sky and my family, greeting me.

I realize that working for P'Phayu has been so hectic yet smooth sailing that I hardly noticed the days go by and now, I'm spending my birthday here with him for the first time. So...that was what the whole royal treatment was about.

I inwardly sigh in relief.

"Happy birthday, Rain." He says without smiling and yet he looks and sounds so gentle and caring.

"Thanks, P'Phayu." I rub the back of my neck shyly. "How did you know? I didn't even remember my own birthday."

His eyes appear thoughtful for a moment, as if searching his mind, then he says, "I just happened to recall it from your resume."

I don't really remember handing in my resume since P'Phayu kind of pirated me from my agency but I just assume he got it from there. I don't question it and just enjoy my coffee which P'Phayu made for me. It's the best I ever had in my twenty years of living.

But just when I think I can't ask for more, P'Phayu pipes up. "What can I do for your birthday?" He asks but more to himself. He then fishes out his phone and states, "I'll wire you a bonus as a birthday present."

My eyes widen and I panically shake my hands in front of myself. "No, no need! You give me more than enough, P'Phayu. Plus, I don't even spend on lodging because I live here for free."

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