Grey Clouds

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Rain's pov

I feel embarrassed but at the same time elated to be lying next to P'Phayu like this. We're snuggled in his sheets—the only thing covering us because we're both still completely naked underneath.

P'Phayu chuckles when he sees me biting my lip and my eyes dart left and right because I don't know where to look. "Are you shy, Rain?" He whispers, tickling my ear with his breath and I playfully push him away and whine his name, "P'Phayu."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." He says, holding me close. I suddenly remember what Sky said about P'Phayu being a "large man". He wasn't wrong and I'm quite sure I'll be in a lot of pain tomorrow. But being held by someone with as strong a body as P'Phayu's can really make a person as small as me feel safe. I also love that he was gentle with me; I think I didn't know the difference of having sex and making love until P'Phayu showed me.

But just then, an unrelated question crosses my mind and I wonder if it's okay to bring it up. And as if reading my mind—or my facial expression—P'Pahyu asks, "What is it?"

I gulp then ask away; I've learned by now that nothing comes from getting worked up all by myself. "Did you know that your ex called off her wedding again? Does it...have anything to do with you?"

To this, he muses, "Ple did?" Then he turns to me and says, "I didn't know. I guess that's what she meant when she said she just isn't ready to settle down."

I shift my position, propping my chin on P'Phayu's pronounced chest. "How did you feel when you met up with her?"

I can't help but be genuinely curious especially since, up until recently, her photo was still on P'Phayu's desk in his study. She was obviously an important part of his life.

P'Phayu gives it some serious thought which I appreciate. I'd much rather hear the uncomfortable truth than some sugarcoated auto-response. But I still brace myself when he finally speaks, "Honestly...I was bitter at first but only because of my ego. For a moment, I thought that seeing her doing well meant I was the reason our relationship failed.

"But then, I found out she felt the same way. I guess it's only natural. In the end, it wasn't really anyone's fault because we didn't mean for things to end up that way." His eyes then flick down to me and he strokes my hair lovingly. "I'm just happy because, now, I have you."

I can't keep the corners of my lips from turning upwards and I'm most probably shooting hearts out of my eyes at P'Phayu who then smiles adoringly. "Are you happy, Rain?"

And at this, I nod my head and tell him, "I'm very happy, P'Phayu. And I'm happy seeing you happy."

I snuggle up to him, nuzzling my nose against his neck and he plants a kiss on my forehead. I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine and I don't ever want to come down.


Sky's pov

Rain and I meet up a couple days after our last talk. Although he hasn't said anything, I note that he's unusually cheerful, has rosy cheeks walking rather awkwardly.

His phone also keeps ringing with messages and every time, he smiles at it like an idiot. I raise my brows at him and just as he's sipping on his iced tea, I pipe up, "So, you guys finally fucked?"

Rain instantly spits his drink, spraying it across the table. Thankfully, I was prepared and used the menu as a shield. "Sky! People might hear." He chides, glancing around and realizing there's no one else here but us.

He chuckles sheepishly as he turns back to me then, with his lips pursed, he nods his head.

"Oh my god, Rain!" I exclaim but not in an angry way. Now that they're officially dating, I'm glad they aren't struggling with intimacy anymore. Plus I also have something I want to tell him and I need Rain to be in a great mood before I do so.

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