Lover's Quarrel?

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Rain's pov

"Where...were you?" The question slipped out before I can stop it. I watch with my chest drumming as P'Phayu turns around and gives me a questioning look.

I have no business asking such questions but I can't help my curiosity; he's never been out this late before. I thought maybe if I ask very casually, he'll just respond without thinking much about it like he always does when I ask him anything.

But for the first time, he takes a long pause and just looks at me, as if asking me with his eyes, "What did you just ask me?"

I suppose Sky was right; I've become too comfortable just because P'Phayu has been so kind to me. And this moment has brought me back to reality—that I'm a maid, a maid who just crossed the line.

"I-I was just curious 'cause you never came home this late." I sputter like an idiot. "Never mind! Have a good rest."

I can feel my cheeks burning and I quickly run to my bedroom to hide, slamming the door in the process. "Sorry." I say aloud, pressing my ear against the door until I hear the sound of P'Phayu's bedroom door closing.

I let out a sigh. I just dodged unemployment by a hairstrand.

I walk a few steps to my bed, dragging my feet and then throwing myself on top of the mattress. What the hell was I thinking? Did I think I'm his wife or housemate or something?

But the funny thing is a part of me really hoped P'Phayu would answer me or maybe even tell me on his own what was so special that he diverted from his strict routine. A part of me genuinely believed that I mattered enough to get even just a vague explanation.

I'm so stupid.


The next day, I wake up early to prepare P'Phayu's bath. After filling the tub halfway with cool water, I turn the knob to 'hot' and dip my hand in the water, waiting for it to turn warm. As I'm waiting, my mind wanders back to the previous night and I start feeling sulky all over again.

I mean, why couldn't he tell me where he was or what he was doing? Was it so hard to say he had to work overtime or had to meet with some business partners? The corners of my lips involuntarily droop and I glare at nothing in particular.

But then, I start to feel the skin on my hand burning and I panically pull it out of the tub with a shriek. "Ow!"

"Rain?" I hear P'Phayu's voice then he was with me in the bathroom in a matter of seconds. "What happened?" He asks but after one look at my reddening hand and the overflowing tub, he easily puts two and two together.

He quickly turns off the water as I'm still disoriented from shock—and embarrassment. Then he approaches me, taking my hand without a second thought and asking, "Is it bad? Let me see."

And just like that, my hard feelings melt away and I'm back in delululand where I imagine P'Phayu cares about me. But what comes after feeling moved is my pulse racing at the realization that P'Phayu is wearing only a towel around his waist, his glaring pecs making it so hard for me not to stare at them.

I try to look elsewhere but farther down is a deep 'V' on his abdomen that disappears under the towel and leads to a place I don't dare think about. His breath blows on my face as he waits for an answer and in this close proximity, I can feel my body getting hotter and hotter until it's almost too hot to bear.

I suddenly pull my hand out of his grasp and say in a voice a bit higher than my normal one, "I'm fine! I mean...I'm fine. I'll get this cleaned up in no time, P'Phayu. If you can just wait outside for a little-"

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