Strictly Business 😏

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Rain's pov

"Shit!" I unintentionally say out loud and all heads turn to look at me. I mentally facepalm; you're hopeless, Rain.

I come up with an excuse on the spot. " account, there are transactions on my account that I don't recognize." I say, showing them my phone with the screen turned off. "I think I need to call my bank. Excuse me. Sorry."

I spin on my heel, hoping I can still intercept Saifah. But the moment I turn around, there he is. My heart sinks and in the back of my mind, I'm praying that none of this is real. Flashbacks of the humiliation I suffered when I was dropped from my internship come flooding into my head and I think to myself, "It's  over, Rain."

"Rain." Saifah can't seem to hide his surprise—and displeasure—upon seeing me. "You're...actually here."

"O-of course." I practically whisper, knowing everyone behind me are watching us including P'Phayu. "I told you I'll be here, didn't I?"

I know I'm pretty much just using up the last moments of my fairytale life at this point.

He looks over my shoulder, his eyes brightening as he calls, "Sir Pakin! I was looking all over for you."

"Mm." Pakin grumbles. If I didn't know better, I'd say he didn't sound the least bit thrilled. But that doesn't matter to me; what matters is...

"Oh, Phayu!" Saifah exclaims, foregoing the formalities as if they're close or are they?

He circles around me and I slowly turn to watch my whole world crumble before me. It's kind of like how bystanders feel nauseous but still look at car crashes; it's just that it's scarier not to look.

"Rain..." Sky comes up from behind me and he looks equally devastated when he sees Saifah approaching P'Phayu. "Sorry." He mouths to which I shake my head and give him a regretful smile. This was bound to happen anyway.

"I don't know if Rain has ever mentioned me but I used to be his supervisor." Saifah shares. P'Phayu glances at me then turns his attention back to Saifah as he continues. "Of course, past is past. But I was still pretty surprised when I heard from him that you took him under your wing."

I can tell from the way he narrows his eyes that P'Phayu doesn't follow but he keeps the conversation close ended. "Well, Rain is a hard worker."

"Of course! Of course!" Saifah chuckles.

In my mind, I'm screaming 'just shut up already' but this is Saifah we're talking about. The man seems to have made it his life's mission to ruin me.

"I agree that Rain works hard which is why I felt really sorry when I had to let him go." This obviously piqued P'Phayu's interest and more so, when Saifah adds, "But he became a junior architect for THE Phayu so I guess it all worked out for the better."

P'Phayu's brows furrow and he turns to look at me but I can't meet his eyes and I'm apparently not strong enough to endure this so I turn around and walk off.

My mind is blank as I hurry down the stairs and try to find the exit. The area I find myself in is deserted somehow and is made up of similar looking glass panels, leaving me perplexed as to where the door even is. Damn it! I just want to get out of here.

"Rain!" A firm voice makes me stop dead in my tracks and I turn around as his all too familiar footsteps draw closer.


"Where are you going?" He asks and even without making direct eye contact with him, I can tell by his tone and body language that he's mad. "Are you just gonna take off after what happened back there?"

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