Made In Heaven

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Rain's pov

Ever since P'Phayu woke up, I've been waiting anxiously to get to see him. He was transferred to a regular room after his vitals became stable and just now, I received the green light that it's safe for him to have visitors.

His eyes are closed when I enter the room and for a moment, I assume he's asleep. I don't mind since I just want to stay by his side and make sure he's okay. But as I'm approaching his bed, his brows furrow and he grunts as if uncomfortable.

I instantly run to his side and ask, "P'Phayu, are you in pain? Should I call the doctor?"

At this, he slowly opens his eyes and stares at me for sometime before asking, "Who are you?"

My eyes widen dramatically and I almost fall for it but then, P'Phayu smiles and says weakly, "Kidding."

"That's not funny!" I want to slap his arm but I can't because he's injured. I only frown for a second but my gaze quickly turns fond and after a short pause, I tell him, "On second thought, you can tease me my whole life, P'Phayu."

He smiles rather mischievously at this. "I guess getting into an accident wasn't so bad after all."

But I really frown this time, scolding him, "Don't say that. Do you know how scared I was? I thought..." I trail off, averting my eyes as they tear up just a bit.

"Rain..." He calls my name and reaches out a hand for me to take which I do and I press his palm against my cheek even though I'm still a bit sulky. He then gently runs his thumb across my cheek and softly utters, "I'm sorry."

But to which I shake my head and smile, letting him know it's not important anymore. "I'm just glad you're okay now, P'Phayu. Don't scare me like that again, okay?"

"Okay." He replies. Then his expression becomes thoughtful and he suddenly asks, "What about your dad? Is he-"

"He's fine...thanks to you." I tell him with a grateful nod. He sighs in relief and I'm amazed at just how selfless he can be even in his condition.

"P'Phayu, guess what?" I didn't plan on telling him right away but seeing how he's only thinking of everyone else but himself, I want to give him some good news and make him happy. He turns to me curiously and I can't help but beam as I share the news, "My dad won't take me back home anymore and...he said he approves—of us dating."

He becomes completely still but I can see in his eyes that he's happily surprised. "Really?" He chuckles and I nod to confirm this. He finally breaks into a wide grin but then winces; I'm guessing because the bruise on his cheek stung when he smiled too widely.

"Easy." I remind him. "You're a patient, remember?"

But to this, he turns to me and says, "I can't wait to get better and...I can't wait to go home with you, Rain."

I smile back at him to let him know we're on the same page. "Me too, P'Phayu. Me too."


Phayu's pov

It's been approximately over a month since the accident and, despite some opposition from Rain and my family, I've returned to work.

"I'm really fine. Even the doctor said it's okay." I tell Rain in my office while he sits across me, pouting.

"But he also said you shouldn't overdo it." He argues and I think to myself that I'm more likely to die of his cuteness than from over exertion. I chuckle as I reach for his hand then I reassure him by saying, "Okay, I won't return to work regularly yet. I just want everyone to see that I'm doing better and also, I want to introduce you myself. You didn't seriously think I would miss your first day at work, did you?"

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