Truth Or Truth

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Rain's pov

After about 12 hours, P'Phayu and I are finally back home with Tiger and although he's still a bit woozy from medication, he's now acting more like his usual self.

Once Tiger has settled in and is getting smothered with licks and sniffs by his best friend, Junior, P'Phayu finally lets himself relax and collapses on the chaise.

I smile to myself, feeling relieved. But I'm also well aware that nothing's changed about my situation and that I should probably continue packing. I quietly turn on my heel, heading towards my bedroom when P'Phayu calls my name, "Rain."

I turn back around and he gestures for me to sit next to him. I fidget with the hem of my shirt as I approach the chaise and once I'm seated, it occurs to me that I haven't properly apologized for what I did.

I tend to always let my emotions get the better of me and I'm also a crybaby. But I'm an adult and it's time I act like one. "P'Phayu, I'm really sorry for being nosy and disobeying you. Um, this isn't me asking you to let me stay; I just want you to know it wasn't my intention to hurt you. You were right, I didn't know your situation so I shouldn't have-"

"About that," P'Phayu cuts in. "I'll go—I'll meet with my father."


He turns to look at me and from what I'm seeing, he seems more calm and as though he had been enlightened. Then he reaches out to take my hand which still hasn't failed to make my heart skip a beat.

"Rain, I'm the one who should apologize. It's not your fault that you didn't know; it's because I never told you."

P'Phayu then rubs circles on my hand with his thumb as if to soothe me or himself; I'm not sure. "That's why, Rain, I'd like us to be honest with each other from now on. Let's stop keeping secrets and misunderstanding each other's feelings. Can you promise me that, Rain?"

What does this mean? I ask in my mind but I prioritize answering P'Phayu's question because, honestly, I want the same thing. I'm tired of taking detours just to end up in the exact same place.

"I'll be transparent from now on, P'Phayu. Promise."

But I'm quite taken aback when P'Phayu tells me, "Then answer my next questions truthfully; don't lie and don't hold anything back."

Okay, I wasn't expecting to be tested right away but I can't back out now, not after I confidently declared transparency so I nervously nod my head.

"Rain...why did you kiss me back then?"

That again? Okay, I'm getting kicked out anyway, might as well just come out with the truth. "B-because I...didn't want you to see your ex and get back with her."

"Why?" He follows up right away and I swallow thickly before finally confessing, "Because I like you, P'Phayu." I mumble, unable to keep myself from frowning a little. I feel like he's messing with me; why would he ask these things otherwise?

Then...he smiles. And I'm instantly wonderstruck. I've seen him smile a few times before but never directly at me. God, he's so beautiful.

"This is my last question, Rain." He says and I have to shake myself awake to hear it. I'm quite nervous, having no clue as to what it could be and whether I can answer properly. What if he asks me if I'm ready to leave or something?

"Rain...will you be my boyfriend?"

I let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding and look at P'Phayu with my eyes wide as saucers. "Huh?"

He chuckles but somehow, I suddenly think he's not joking.

"But- but what about your ex?" I blurt out to which he asks curiously, "What about her?"

"W-weren't you getting back together? I even saw you hug her and she kissed you at the brunch rest-" My hand flies up to my mouth as I realize my slip-up and I avert my eyes as P'Phayu narrows his at me.

"Is that why you were acting distant?"

I don't reply; it's too embarrassing. I just chanced upon them but it's gonna sound like I was stalking them.

This time, P'Phayu takes both of my hands in his and tells me, "Rain, Ple only wanted to talk to me for closure. It's the same for me which was why I was able to put the past behind and hugged her."

Whether I like it or not, I'm quite easy to read especially with my guard down. And I suppose I look skeptical.

Answering the question in my head, P'Phayu adds, "And the kiss...wasn't a kiss. She just pressed her cheek against mine. Did you really see it or you looked away and imagined the rest?" He teases me towards the end.

How does he know? I pout to hide my embarrassment and mumble stubbornly, "Still, how do you think that looks when she's someone you almost married?"

"You're right. I'm sorry." P'Phayu concedes then smoothly brings us back to the main point, "Now that we've cleared that up, what's your answer to my question?"

What was his question again? I briefly search my goldfish memory and my cheeks instantly flare up as soon as I remember. P'Phayu's asking me to be his boyfriend!

"Why?" It's my turn to ask. "Why me?"

At this, P'Phayu brings his hands up to cup my face and replies while looking into my eyes, "Because you're the only one I can imagine spending the rest of my life with, Rain."

My lips part but no words come out. I'm surprised and moved and so happy that I can't find the words to express them all at once. "P-P'Phayu..."

"What's your answer, Rain?" He asks me a third time and I hurriedly nod my head before I strike out. I instantly feel embarrassed afterwards and look away but P'Phayu turns my face back to him and tells me, "You're mine now, Rain...and I'm all yours."

My heart beats so wildly at this, I feel like I could die. And I'm smiling but my eyes are watery with happy tears which P'Phayu wipes away with a swipe of his thumb.

Then he stares at my lips, his eyes flicking up to mine and lingering momentarily as if asking for permission. I close my eyes in response and feel the warmth of P'Phayu's lips only seconds later.

My mouth moves in sync with his and he guides me by tilting my head where he needs it to be. Soon, our soft kisses turn hot and heavy but that's just how much we longed for each other.

And at long last, we're right where we belong.

To be continued...

Author's note:

And there we go! Four new chapters to make up for being MIA. Thanks to everyone who waits on my updates. MUMU! 😘

Y'all know there's gonna be some 18+ content after this, right? If not, then consider yourself warned.

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