White Lie

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Phayu's pov

I find it odd that Rain came all the way to the office but left without even saying hello. He seemed quite thrilled too when he messaged me earlier that he was on his way.

I can't help but worry. Did I ask too much of him, knowing he was injured just this morning? If only I didn't come home late, I would have had time to organize my materials for the next day.

I don't realize that I sigh out loud, massaging my temples and trying to quash the migraine threatening to ruin my productivity for the rest of the day.

"Are you that worried?" Prapai asks, smiling meaningfully. But I don't even have the energy to respond to him. "If you're worried, then why not message Rain? Ask him what happened." He adds and I have to admit, his suggestions aren't all bad.

I pick up my phone and type what should be a simple message but is taking me longer to compose than business letters and proposals.

And of course, I end up sending him the most distant sounding message. "Why did you leave without showing your face?"

I inwardly groan. I know I'm the serious type but I'm not normally this stiff around other people. I don't know what it is about Rain; he's someone I'm both comfortable yet guarded with.

I receive a reply after sometime and my brows furrow while reading his message. He apparently had a bad stomach. I didn't even think to ask when I had him run an errand for me. Damn it! I feel so bad.

I immediately page my secretary and she comes rushing into my office shortly.

"How's my schedule today? Do you think we can postpone the rest of my meetings?" I urgently ask to which she looks at me almost pleadingly and says, "S-sir Phayu, all your meetings for today are with big clients and...it's quite difficult rearranging your hectic schedule."

I know she had a point but I can't help being upset that I can't leave. "Alright, make sure everyone comes on time. Tell them we'll follow the schedule strictly without delays." I say, gesturing that she can go. And she quickly exits the room, probably before I can change my mind.

Prapai shakes his head at me and slaps the hand rests of his seat, pushing himself up. "I guess that's my cue to get going; I wouldn't wanna cause you delays and keep you from your Rain much longer. Isn't that right?"

I don't confirm—nor deny—his statement. Instead, I smoothly change the topic by reminding him, "Don't forget about the gala; the owner's expecting to see you."

"You know I wouldn't miss it." He winks before putting on his sunglasses and strutting out of my office. I shake my head with a chuckle then get back to work. The sooner I finish up, the better.


I passed by the drugstore on my way home. I'm not sure exactly what Rain has or how bad it is so I just bought everything that's supposed to give gastrointestinal relief.

When I walk into my home, Rain greets me at the door as usual but I'm surprised to find him dressed up as if going somewhere. I suppose the way I studied his outfit is enough for him to understand what I wanted to know and he replies with, "Oh, uh...P'Phayu, my friend invited me to unwind after I finish work. Would you mind?"

I'm rather taken aback but I suppose, this is better than finding him lying in bed, sick.

I want to ask him where he's going or tell him to just stay at home for now and nurse his tummy but somehow, I can't bring myself to say either. It just feels like a line I can't cross. I keep the medicine I bought behind my back and albeit begrudgingly, I tell him, "Okay."

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