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Rain's pov

After our conversation (I wouldn't even call it that), P'Phayu went back to his old ways as well. He barely acknowledges me and only comes home to sleep like a tenant in his own house.

I'm also back to being the perfect housekeeper. Everything is organized and in place...but why does something feel off somehow?

The night of the gala and what took place in my bathroom all feel like a distant dream now. It's like it never even happened. The only reminders of our short glitch are the new rules P'Phayu has implemented.

One, I don't have to tell him or ask for permission to go out as long as my work is done and two, I am no longer obligated to prepare P'Phayu's bath. I guess we're banned from each other's bathrooms from now on.

As I finish most of my morning chores, I wonder how much more time I have here before...before...

I shake it off; I don't want to think about it. I decide to to tick off my last chore for this morning which is taking out the trash if only to get my mind off of things. But as I'm putting the trash bags into the bin outside, I notice a man lurking around P'Phayu's house.

It's not that unusual; people from the media or some fans occasionally visit in hopes of getting a glimpse of P'Phayu. But he doesn't have a cardboard with cutouts of P'Phayu's face from magazines and I can't see if he has a camera.

However, I think I heard a flash and the whirr of a shutter so he must really be a pap. When he notices me looking, he quickly turns around and walks the other way. I wonder why these people can't just respect someone's privacy.

I shake my head and make my way back inside. Now that I'm done with work, I think to myself that I can finally get some rest. I sprawl out on the couch and close my eyes, considering a short nap. But my eyelids fly open when my phone starts ringing.

I whine as I fish it out of my pocket but when I see who it is, I suddenly sit up—inwardly groaning—and force myself to sound cheerful as I pick up. "Pa, what's up?"

His somewhat hoarse voice comes through the receiver. "What do you mean what's up? I told you last time that I'll be visiting. Give me your home address."

I slap a hand over my mouth to keep myself from cursing. I didn't think he was serious. "Pa..." I whine. "I told you I'm busy these days. A-and I'm not at home."

"Then give me your office address. I'll drop by."

I throw myself back onto the couch, intentionally smashing the back of my head against the firm yet still bouncy cushion. I already have so much going on; why now?

"Okay, okay. I'll text it to you." I tell him. It's not like I can just send him home after he bothered to make the trip to visit his son. After all, my father is quite old.

I send him Sky's office address and scurry to get changed. I'm practically tripping on my own feet on my way there and when I arrive, Sky is already at the entrance, waiting for me.

"Here." He says, discreetly passing me his ID. "Your dad has poor eyesight anyway; he won't know it isn't you. Rain, you have to give this back to me once lunchtime is over, got it?"

I can only nod as I'm still catching my breath. Then as he leaves to rejoin his coworkers, I wheeze, "Sky...thanks."

He nods and goes on his way. I promise, I'll really make it up to my best friend one of these days.

I turn to the direction of the bus stop across the street. Knowing just how stingy my father can be, I'm certain he'll commute. And proving my point, an air conditioned bus briefly stops near the shed and as soon as it leaves, I see my dad glancing around looking for me.

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