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Phayu's pov

Lately, it's gotten more and more challenging to focus on work.

Don't get me wrong, I've never been happier especially with the status of my relationship with Rain. But I didn't realize that after becoming a couple, living together would be quite...tricky.


A few days ago, I found Rain in the kitchen very early in the morning. He was preparing breakfast as usual but now that we're together, I no longer wanted to obligate him to do housework.

"Rain." I called his name as I came up from behind him and snaked my hands around his tiny waist.

"Morning, P'Phayu." He beamed like the ball of sunshine that he was but I still frowned and spoke in a pleading voice that I would never be heard using outside of our home. "You don't need to do that, Rain. You're not my maid anymore, remember? I can just hire someone else."

He whipped his head to look over his shoulder at me and asked, "Why hire someone else when I can do it?"

I was going to argue further. But then, he went and said something that won me over.

"Besides...wouldn't a wife do this too?"

I nearly had a heart attack from hearing the word 'wife' and almost got down on one knee right then and there. But I know that would be moving too fast so I settle for a cute nickname for him.

"If you insist...wifey."

I thought that was the most flustered he could make me for a while but this kid had gotten so comfortable. One time, we agreed on a movie date at home but I couldn't understand a thing because Rain's smooth legs that were on full display underneath his oversized shirt and short shorts kept distracting me.

And as if that wasn't hard enough, he burst into my room on a stormy night and told me the lightning scared him and he went straight to sleep—on my bed!


And that's the reason I've been sleepless for a couple nights now and I keep needing more coffee to stay awake at work.

I don't know if Rain is naive or a sadist but he doesn't seem to understand how hard it is for me to have him so close and not touch him. And perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we held back for so long that my hunger for him is almost primitive.

I exhale loudly, falling back on my chair and giving up. I just can't think straight, god dammit!

"What's eating you, bro?" Prapai asks and I practically jump in my seat. Seriously, how does he keep getting in here without me noticing?

"I should tell my secretary to ban you from my office." I mutter to which he protests, "Oh, c'mon. Who's gonna listen to your relationship problems if not me?"

"Yeah, that too." I tell him. "Every time you come to talk to me, it's not work-related. What do I even pay you for?"

He giggles at this, ignoring my question. "But really, what's up? You seem exhausted lately. Wait!" He suddenly exclaims with a mischievous grin. "Now that you and Rain are together, are you perhaps not getting any sleep because you're getting so much action?"

"Mind your own business." I grumble moodily to which he makes a hurt face and says, "Jeez, I'm just worried about you since you seem so distracted lately."

Ugh, this guy, he really knows how to get what he wants. "Fine." I surrender; there's no one better to talk to about my dilemma than Prapai anyway. "You're right that I haven't been getting any sleep...but it's not because I'm getting action. In fact, I'm not getting any—at all."

Maid In HeavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora