"Hello , Im Wicia ! Im Georg's girlfriend , also kind of like a manager for the races ."
She had the most soothing polish accent , i could listen to her speak all day .

She took herself away from the embrace then pointed to the guy on the leather sofa with long brunette hair . Before i could reply , the second woman , Georgie took me in for a hug , her arms wrapped around my neck gently . She had a refreshing dark oak scent . It had a hint of mint as well , it was wonderful . She pulls away with a smile and says kindly;

"Hii ! Im Georgie , Toms girlfriend . I collect all the bet money , and or host the bets for the races or other things ."
She continues smiling , she moves her hand on her hip and points to Tom , also sitting on the leather sofa , next to Georg .

Tom gives me a slight salute with his two fingers , i give Tom a small wave with a smile and clear my throat;

"I was told by Gustav , someone wanted to talk to me ?"
I said confused , yet intrigued .

As i spoke the two other women , roll their eyes and scoff while walking away . I furrow my eyebrows , whats their problem , i think to myself . I shake my head brushing that off , Wicia and Georgie also walk off for a second but they end up coming back dragging three chairs with them , Wicia had two and Georgie had one . Wicia gently placed one of the chairs behind me then tapped me to sit down , I oblige and sit down infront of the coffee table , Georgie on an other chair sitting next to me on my left and Wicia on my right . I look up at the other guys , all of them are looking at me . Inspecting me , i start feeling nervous again , i move my hands infront of me and fiddle with my rings to try calm myself down . Tyler sees me do this and chuckles to himself , i shoot him a dirty look .

"Well- .."
Bill speaks up only to be interrupted by Tyler;

"Explain yourself , we've never seen you here before , who are you and when did you get here ."
He says quite loudly and in a demanding and dominate manner . Bill rolls his eyes at him quite dramatically and huffs while crossing his arms .

"What he means is , you just moved here , yeah ? Cause if i had seen you before , id never forget you . You're gorgeous ."
Bill tells me in a very flirtatious way but still trying to be respectful . He's smirking at me as well , I feel myself flush red and stutter slightly;

"I just moved here today , actually ."
I reply to Bill as well as Tyler , looking at the both of them . Bill nods in reply with a smile . Tyler tilts his head slightly , i could tell he looks puzzled by that newly given information .

"So , you just move here today and get involved with gang races and or gangs ?"
He laughs at me slightly , clasping his hands together . I giggle back at him and shake my head .

"I didnt know what i was getting into ..  I just thought it was a- gathering ?"
I look around everyone slightly lost , I hear Wicia and Georgie beginning to  giggle . Georgie pats my shoulder while shaking her head , I start giggling with them . The guys shake their heads as well , some of them chuckle and some smirk at my response .


It had become a lot later , 11:25PM . I was still sat in the corner with the guys and two girls , i was quite tipsy , so were Wicia and Georgie , i couldn't count on both my hands on the amount of times michelle came up to us with drinks and or taking orders . Axl was off his head on cocaine , Tyler had a joint in his mouth . Georg shared a big bottle of jack daniels with Gustav , Bill smoked a cigarette with Tom . All of us doing different things yet , everyone was laughing , talking and overall just enjoying each others company . There was empty or barely empty glass cups all over the coffee table and down at peoples feet , however there was an empty space infront of Axl , with a curved 50 dollar bill , a credit card and three small bags , two empty and one with the smallest bit of white substance placed on the table . Anytime i looked at it , i felt slightly uncomfortable but i bared through it , of course . I should've expected something like this .
Michelle yet again came over , Me , Georgie and Wicia , ordered more drinks for ourselves . A lot more . The more drunk we all got , the more concerned the sober guys got for us .
Me , Wicia and Georgie continued drinking and talking about the most random things , giggling and laughing all in sync . Tyler and Tom kept giving us multiple side eyes , for no reason as well .


It had gotten to midnight , i got up from my seat , my knees wobbling and legs like absolute jelly , Wicia held my legs and Georgie held my hand , both of them pissing themselves laughing at me - very uncontrollably . Tyler was looking at me and face palmed , the affects of his weed had sorta worn off so he was now most sober out of everyone . He looked at me then the twin brothers , Bill made a head motion as to get me out of here , to take me to bed or just somewhere else . Just anywhere as long as it wasnt here . Tyler got himself up , wiping his leather pants off , due to some tiny bits of weed came out his joint when he was rolling it , he then squeezed by the coffee table . He came up behind me and said quietly into my ear;

"Right , Misses , its time for you to head out ."
Tylers deep British voice , made me get shivers and i bite my lip , the way he said that was such a turn on . I turn my head to look at him , fluttering my eyelashes at him . He smiled at me seductively and places both of his hands softly on my hips , before he takes me away , i grab my bag quickly . He carefully leads me away from the coffee table , i wave to everyone and blow them all kisses . Georgie and Wicia blow kisses back , Tom waves , Gustav salutes me , Georg nods , Axl is too out of his mind or too out of this world to even notice and Bill catches my kiss in his hand then places his hand on his heart . That small gesture made me smile widely at him , he smiled back . Its always the little things .
Me and Tyler make it over to his neon green motorbike . It was so shiny and bright , especially in this lighting . Tyler puts his helmet on my head as he lifts me up , like i weighed genuinely nothing , he plops me down on the back of the motorbike . He gets on infront , as he starts the engine , making it growl then roar , i quickly wrap my arms around his waist basically gripping on for dear life . This will be the first time ive ever been on a motorbike , I feel slightly scared and feel my leg bouncing due to my intense nerves .

People see and hear Tylers roaring engine and start clapping , shouting and or cheering . Tyler smiles and bows slightly at all of the attention , we were there for like a minute . I start feeling sick and tired of this pointless waiting and shout at him through the helmet;

"Take me then !"

sorry it ends abruptly again .... there might be quite a uhm ........... sexy scene next .😇
no promises tho , i still dk

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