New Place , New me .

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After an excruciating long plane journey of crying babies , snoring people and plane noises .. , i had finally landed in the great and wonderful New York City ! I take a deep breath of the fresh air, glad to be off of that humid loud plane , it made me sweat slightly and my palms clammy . I wipe my forehead , taking the sweat away and letting the cool air hit me fully .. It was so refreshing .

Im now inside the airport , it's super loud; people talking , squeaking suitcase wheels , some babies crying , children fussing . It all pierced right through my ears . I endured it and was waiting for my luggage . I feel a buzz from the inside of my pocket from my sweatpants , i take out my phone wondering who had texted me , it was a woman named 'Mrs Mcannie' , the text read;

-Hello, Jamie! I am now outside the airport with Rita.

My face lights up with pure excitement and joy , with all of the stress with planes and everything i had totally forgot , my new kitty Rita is waiting for me ! I had gotten a kitty to keep me company while i live here , i knew i wasn't gonna make friends ASAP .. so why not get a friendly companion !

i grab my luggage off of the baggage carousel , tripple checking it was mine by the tag that said my name and flight , it was definitely mines . I walk through the airport dragging my suitcase behind me , seeing new faces all around me , i feel a little bit anxious with a slight pit of uncertainty in my stomach but my excitement fully overpowered the feeling after a few minutes . I finally exit the airport , seeing some massive buildings from where i stand , the sky was partly cloudy but it was still bright . I look slightly to my left and i see a woman wave at me , with a animals crate next to her foot , i gasped !

I quickly scurried over to the woman my suitcase trailing behind me making noises from the rocks quickly going underneath its wheels . Mrs Mcannie stood still waiting for me , I smile greatly at her and put my hand out for her to shake , while doing so i say;

"Hello , Mrs Mcannie ! its great to see you !"
Mrs Mcannie gently takes my hand in hers , shakes it softly then smiles sweetly at me , she removed her hand from mines to pick up the crate to hand me it .

"Heres precious Rita , All yours now ! You're extremely lucky to have her , out of the whole litter she was the only female calico ."
She said that with a chuckle on the end , she put out the crate to give it to me , i widen my arms and hands to take it with great care .

"Ill take the absolute best care of her , ill send you some photos every couple weeks so you can see how she grows !"
I tell Mrs Mcannie with full positivity , Mrs Mcannie nods with a smile as she bends down to have one last look at Rita , she pokes the front of crate and Rita playfully scratched back at her , she chuckles .

"i'll be on my way now ! Take care"
i wave with my free hand and grab my suitcase , i start to walk off to find a free taxi .

"Be careful out here Jamie , it can get quite dangerous .."
Mrs Mcannie expresses with a tone of worry .. I just nod my head in reply , i watch her turn around and walk off to a car in the distance . I shake my head , puzzled . I know mega cities such as New York can be dangerous but i haven't necessarily heard anything of such , probably because places such as this are always glorified and or romanticised in a way .
I continue walking to grab a taxi , i see one and assume its free . I knock on the window of the taxi , the window rolls down to show a middle aged white man , i smile at him and ask nicely ;

"Is this taxi free or is it booked already ?"
the guy shakes his head and motions me to put my things in the trunk . I do as he motions , he automatically opened up the trunk , i set Rita down and i lift up my heavy suitcase to pop it in , i groan while doing so due to the weight . The driver shuts the trunk l i pick Rita up heading to the side of the backseats , i open the door up moving the crate with Rita in it to the middle seat , i get in beside her and buckle my seatbelt .
The driver asks where im headed and i tell him my apartments street and name , he presses down on the pedal and we speed off into the big city . We make it to the city , i am captivated by the big shining lights and the people . So many new faces , all so different - different races , genders and styles . This place is amazing .

After an hour or so , we pull up to my very lavish new apartment complex . I saved up so much money to find the perfect place and it was right infront of my eyes . The pearly white exterior twinkled in the daylight , I thank the driver and pay him . I carefully pick up Ritas crate and step outside , i place Rita on the sidewalk as the trunk opens up to grab my suitcase , i pick up the heavy thing and place it on the ground next to me . The trunk closes , i wave at the driver goodbye and off he goes . I stand outside the stunning apartment feeling all giddy inside , i pulled up the handle for my suitcase then pick up the crate , i walk toward the doors and they open automatically , i step inside and sigh .
I walk up to the front desk , i ring the small bell on the counter;


A lady with platinum blonde hair looks up toward me , her soft yet bold emerald green eyes look at me with calmness feeling , she smiles at me then says;

"Hello ! Are you the new lady moving into apartment 14 ?"
She asks me with a sweet voice , her white teeth twinkle slightly in the light , I nod my head in reply , she spins around in her swivel seat , she faces the drawers behind her and opens one of them up  , the drawers making a loud clinking sound . The pretty lady turns back around and places the keys infront of me on the desk , I thank her , she smiles and nods as a reply . I pick up the keys and head toward the elevator  , I press the open button for the elevator , it made a faint ding sound , the doors open up and i step inside l dragging my suitcase behind me . I let go of my suitcase handle and look at the clean silver keys , i notice two numbers on it;

2 & 14 .

I look beside me , noticing the numbers on the elevator wall , they go up to ten . I pressed number two guessing it took me to my designated floor . The doors close and the elevator goes up , i get butterflies in my stomach from it , that always happened . I get to my floor , the elevator doors opening with an other ding , i grab my suitcase and start walking down the hallway looking for my apartment . I look at all the doors and i get to the end of the hallway and there it is;

My New Home .


Writer here , i promise the next chapter will be more interesting , i just want you to become familiar with the reader and everything :)

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