Meeting Them .

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My heart flutters from Evies voice , I felt butterflies as well .

"Yeah , I just moved into the 'Pearl Palace' Apartments ."
I say in reply to Evie , she makes an 'oo' shape with her lips , like shes surprised . She finishes up preparing drinks and hands them to a guy next to me . She turns her head and looks at me;

"Sheesh , places like that are expensive , are you renting or have you bought it ? Apparently rent is a massive amount .."
She added a small laugh on the end of her sentence as she looks at me , her dark oak eyes piercing mines .

"I bought it , i figured it would be cheaper in the end , especially since i only start getting back into work next week ."
I say in reply , i rest my elbow on the ledge infront of me and place my chin in my hand , just admiring Evie .

"Oh really ? What do you for work ?"
Evie asks me sweetly , While also taking an order from a waitress type thing , im guessing .

"I work from home , as of now , I design tattoos for different shops and such , or i design tattoos for people .. y'know ?"
I exclaim proud of my line of work , especially since i have the privilege of working from home , especially in the 2000s . It wasn't really a big thing .
As i say that Evie gasps , looking slightly jealous but not in a mean way .

"Ooou ! That sounds like a comfortable job , guessing you get good money , Yeah ?"
She winks at me , I feel my face flush red and go hot . She notices and laughs at me , Evie grabs a silver shaker , mixes some Smirnoff Raspberry Vodka and Cherryade soda . She shakes around the silver shaker , she looks so focused while doing so , i could stare at her all day . I snap myself out of the trance and finally reply;

"I mean i guess so , i get paid off quite well ."
I say , trying not to sound really up my own ass and cocky about it . Evie nods in reply , shes clearly very focused . She finished off mixing and pours the drink into a clear tall glass and adds a cut strawberry on the side of the rim on the glass , she puts it out and there i see .. My receptionist from my apartment , she struts over in her small figure with a black dress that hugs her body tightly . Shes quite petite , However she does have some curvature to her , her tall Louis Vuitton heels making a click clacking sound on the cold tiled flooring . My eyes widen at the sight of her and she smiles at me with a slight nod as to greet me , she opens her mouth and turns to evie ;

"These drinks are for Wicia , Yes ?"
She says in such a polite tone . She points over to a curvy woman with purple hair on an old looking black leather sofa with a guy , he's got long brunette hair , he looks very muscular , his broad shoulders are wide and big . His arm is wrapped around the shoulder of the gorgeous purpled hair woman .

"Indeed they are Michelle , hurry up and give her the drink . Shes with Georg ."
Evie says in quite a stern tone as she sets the drink onto the platter , Michelle nods in reply and carefully scurries off with the platter in her left hand . I look up at Evie as her eyes sparkle in the light as shes looking at her order notes . I ask her abruptly;

"Who's Georg and Wicia ?"
Im very confused , Evie whips her head around looking at me , completely forgetting about the orders . Her eyes wide and she sighs;

"Georg is part of an infamous gang as one of their engineers , Tokio Hotel is what they're called . They run the streets of New York , They host the motorbike races . You might've seen the leader and his twin tonight along the streets , thats why the roads are so quiet tonight . They look dangerous but in all seriousness , they aren't . I've been working as their bartender for years now . They kill who they need to . When i say that , i mean they kill the worst of the worst , they've killed the whole of some dangerous and cruel gangs , gangs that used to do terrible things to women or other people . But they have never ever killed innocent people who don't deserve it . Thats how they made their way to the top . eliminating the feared . People who do no wrong dont fear them but many people who do wrong are .
Its good they got rid of those certain gangs , i mean everyone knew that police weren't gonna get involved with those types , ever , so they done the job for them . As well as that , they also sell .. things and they host these races , its why they're loaded or how they're loaded , due to people betting and everything ."

Going Too Fast . - Bill Kaulitz Fanfic - Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora