Take Me Then .

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It had been quite a while after that whole .. situation .  Everyone had finally went back to doing what they were doing . Bill , Tom , Georg , Axl and Tyler were all in a corner on a sofa with a large coffee table infront of them . Wicia was beside Georg , Georgie was beside Tom . Bill was talking to a black haired girl next to him , Tyler was busy making out with a random blondie . I looked down at the wooden coffee table and it had some strange white powder in a line on it , Axl bent down and snorted that shit like it was nothing . I widen my eyes and turn away facing forward and grabbed my bag . I get off the stool to head out and go back to my apartment . Evie taps my arm and looks confused;

"Where are you going ? its only 10PM ?"
She chuckles at me , i smile at her and sigh .

"Well , i just need to get home y'know ? Nothings really happening and Im a bit nervous to go up to people ."
i exclaimed to Evie , she rolls her eyes jokingly at me then huffs .

"Okayy , take my number though . I hope to see you back here at some point , the guys race every night more so for practice but they'll be a real race with more people from different gangs next week im pretty sure , i hope you turn up ."
Evie grabs a yellow post-it note and jots down her number with a red felt tip pen . She reaches over the bar to hand it to me , i take it from her and shove the note in my bag . I wave bye to her , turn around and start walking away to the stairs .

As im walking away i feel eyes on me , not sure where from but Im being stared at . I have no idea by who , i get to the stairs and i see a blonde guy walking down them . He was kind of short but he was quite buff , he had short blonde hair with slight curls in it but it was being partly covered by a black cap . He also had big deep brown eyes , he's definitely a cutie . I stepped out of the way for him , he looked me up and down the nodded at me as a thank you , i smiled kindly at him . I hold onto the railing and start walking up the steps , Im almost to the top but I hear someone behind me , before i could turn around the person taps my bare shoulder . I was sort of startled , i turn around anyways , its the same blonde boy as he leans on the railing next to the both of us , he starts talking;

"Hello , i dont mean to bother you like this but the guys over there in the corner wanna speak to you ."
Again , the same german accent as Bill and Tom . He said that sentence in a very monotone voice , i give him a confused look . He then points to the corner were bill and the rest of the guys were .

"huh ? i mean , okay ? Do you know why ?"
I start walking down the stairs with him , he shrugs back at me . It was silent between us until we got about half way down the steps , he speaks up and says;

"My name is Gustav , by the way , Im the second engineer for the gang Tokio Hotel , I was told you were talking to our bartender Evie so you must know a few more things .  Anyways whats your name , lady ?"
He asks me , this time a slight tone of sweetness in his voice .

"Im Jamie , thank you for asking ."
I smile in reply . The rest of the walk down the stairs was quiet , Gustav gets to the bottom first , moving out the way for me to let me walk by first . I chuckle at his politeness and walk by , heading over to the sofa , Gustav trailing behind me .

I try to look as unbothered and confident as possible . I start feeling my stomach churning slightly , not in a good way . I start feeling anxious the closer i get to them all , by the time im over infront of them all , they all stop what they were doing and look up at me . Two women out of the four , Georgie and Wicia . They look at each other and get up at the same time .
As Wicia came up to me , her stunning smile made me feel at ease , she had short purple hair with a fringe . The hairstyle went with her face-shape so well and it contrasted with her sparkling blue eyes . She had a silver nose ring , it matched with mines as well . Wicia was like a goddess , she was gorgeous .
Wicia opened up her arms , her smile was comforting and so was her scent , she smelt like lavender , it was such a refreshing yet relaxing scent .
I opened up my arms as well , Wicia took me in for a nice big embrace , she was so warm . Her touch was the first full on human contact i had gotten since i came here , i immediately hugged her back . She gave me a reassuring squeeze and finally spoke;

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