chapter 26

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A couple of days had passed and Gon's breathing had gotten better, and he could talk more understandably, although the energy it took was enough that he only talked when he really needed to say something. Killua had been sleeping in the hospital with Gon, normally falling asleep as he talked to Gon at night by his bedside, or on the couch in the room.

It was a small grey couch, that was made of some sort of scratchy material, but Killua had been sleeping in hoodies and sweatpants so it didn't really bother him. After the doctor came in to talk to Gon that day, Killua called Leorio and Kurapika. They had gone out of town for a bit but cut their travels short because it wasn't as important. Killua had also informed Aunt Mito, who came and visited each day, but mostly wept while she was there.

As of now, Killua was reading one of Gon's favorite books to him, because he knew that if he could do anything to bring Gon distraction or comfort he would do it. Killua used to read to Gon to lull him to sleep when he had caught a cold or gotten the flu. They would sit in bed together, going back to their early high school days even, and Gon would sip slowly on warm soup, while Killua spun tales out of that book of fairytales like he was living in their world. 

"'A bird's wing, comrades,' he said, 'is an organ of propulsion and not of manipulation. It should therefore be regarded as a leg. This distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.' The birds did not understand Snowball's long words, but they accepted his explanation, and all the humbler animals set to work to learn the new maxim by heard. FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD, was inscribed on the end wall of the barn, above the Seven Commandments and in bigger letters. When they had once got it by heart, the sheep developed a great liking for this maxim, and often as they lay in the field they would all start bleating 'Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad!' and keep it up for hours on end, never growing-"

"t-tired of i-i-it" Gon finished, his voice a mere whisper of what it used to be, and his energy just a wisp of what it used to amount to. But despite everything, he knew that book by heart. Animal Farm. It was a truly amazing story but held messages of horror and human flaw, that Gon had always found intriguing. He'd first read it in middle school, and many times more before he met Killua. Then they read it together another time, and another time after that. They both practically knew it by heart and could recite pages upon pages if they wanted to.

Gon smiled very very faintly, but Killua saw it and he knew that he'd somewhat been able to distract Gon from the pain he was in. Gon's hand extended ever so slightly toward Killua, moving a total of about two inches, a sign that he wanted Killua's hand. Killua grabbed Gon's hand with the one that wasn't holding the book, and Gon gave a light squeeze that brought tears to Killua's eyes. He continued to read for a little bit, and Gon's eyes closed peacefully as scenes that he'd imagined over and over flooded his mind. The story of the Animal Farm.

A few hours later, Animal Farm had been read many times, and Aunt Mito had visited briefly and then gone away after the tears started to fall. She had taken up knitting again, something she hadn't done in a while, and was working on a blanket for Killua who she thought might be cold sleeping on the couch even though he never said anything. What position was he in to complain about anything anyway?

"Hey guys... how's it been going" a soft and gentle voice came from the doorway of Gon's hospital room. It was Kurapika's voice, and Leorio stood right behind him. They'd brought food like always, and had been getting smoothies lately. Gon was mostly getting nutrition through sugar fluids but he was allowed to eat and drink if energy permitted him to do so, and smoothies were not very difficult to drink. 

This time it was four mango smoothies, Gon's favorite, and a couple of hotdogs from a stand near Leorio and Kurapika's house. Gon's bed was already raised up into a leaned back sitting position, and when he saw Leorio and Kurapika walk in with smoothies in hand, his eyes glistened and a hint of excitement shone through even though his facial expressions hadn't changed much recently.

Killua took two of the smoothies, and broke open two straws, and then handed the cup over to Gon, who took it and gently rested the hand holding his smoothie onto the bed for support. Every now and then he worked up the energy to bring the cup up to his mouth and take a couple of sips, and then he would put it back down. 

Random conversations had come and go as they ate, and they all just made small talk as they enjoyed each other's presence and tried to get away from the sadness in the atmosphere that was constantly lurking.

"By the way mayonnaise is disgusting. I don't know why people would ever eat it. Not on sandwiches or salads. Like just no" Leorio argued, while Kurapika shook his head.

"I can't believe I married you" Kurapika snapped back jokingly. "Mayonnaise is the best condiment. If you want to talk disgusting, talk about mustard. That stuff is nasty"

Killua laughed, and Gon's eyes were shining with amusement. He enjoyed their visits because they always had entertaining debates and brought interesting news of other people with them.

Killua decided to chime into this condiments debate just because it was fun to gang up on Leorio, whose opinions tended to be the minority. "Mayonnaise is actually my favorite condiment too. I really like mixing it with ketchup for burgers and fries and stuff. I could go for some fries right now" Killua laughed, and Leorio shook his head in disappointment and the silver haired boy high fived Kurapika. 

Gon let out a soft chuckle, which made everyone look up in surprise. They all smiled in response. "So Gon" Leorio asked, "Are you pro mayonnaise or what?" a playful expression darted through Leorio's eyes, and Gon nodded, with a slight provoking smile falling onto his face.

"Ok you guys are all weirdos just saying" Leorio grumbled and they all laughed.

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