chapter 7

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"Oy Gon" Killua was shaking the other boy who had somehow ended up on top of him while they were sleeping, and Killua literally couldn't move. But he was able to look over at the alarm clock to see that it was well past 9 am. "GONN!!" The green haired boy eyes fluttered open for a bit before he closed them again, snuggling deeper into Killua's chest.

Killua groaned and resorted to shoving Gon off, onto the pillows that had accumulated beside the two. Then Gon started squirming, a sign that he was waking up. He stared at Killua with sleepy eyes. "Good morning Killuuuuaaaaa" he droned on sleepily.

Killua chuckled. "Merry Christmas Gon. C'mon get ready. Were gonna go visit Aunt Mito."

That was all Gon needed to hear. Now he was fully awake and rushed into Killua's closet to steal some clothes before they left. He even found some of his own clothes in the closet, probably from some time that Killua had stayed over and borrowed clothes. It wasn't a very surprising thing though, so Gon grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a sweater before putting them on and leaving the closet. "Ok I'm ready!"


They had gotten to the train station, which was surprisingly busy considering it was Christmas and most people would be home with their families opening Christmas presents and whatnot. As they started through the crowd, Killua subconsciously grabbed Gon's hand so they wouldn't get separated.

Finally, they boarded the train which they would stay on for about two hours before getting back to Gon's hometown where his aunt still lived. Gon was super exited to see his aunt since he hadn't seen her since he left to go to the second year of college. That was almost 5 months ago which was much too long.

"I'm not going to text her that were coming so Killua you don't either ok. I want it to be a surprise" Killua smiled at the green haired boy. There was excitement gleaming in his eyes and Killua could tell he'd missed Aunt Mito. The white-haired boy nodded in response and they both looked out the window, watching the landscape start to blur as the train picked up speed.

Soon they were riding from train stop to train stop and before they knew it, they were only ten minutes away from their final stop. Of course, they weren't going to go see Aunt Mito right away, they wanted to pick up some flowers and tea for her, two of her favorite things. Gon also just generally wanted to explore his hometown for a bit, to bring back the memories, before they went to his house. Kind of like when you sample ice cream if you know what I mean.

"Lilies? Oh, but she also liked roses. Maybe both? I don't know!" Gon was ruffling his fingers through his hair in thought. He knew his aunt loved flowers, but deciding which ones to get was hard. Especially since he had no idea what grew well in cold weather and whatever.

"I'm pretty snow drops are in season right now. They're super pretty and I'm also pretty sure they're native to your hometown. I don't know for sure but we can probably find some at that local flower shop we visited that one time. And it's pretty close to your house, right? That way they'll be fresh too" Killua pondered in thought, wondering where he'd heard about snow drops. He wasn't normally one to geek out over plants, especially flowers.

Oh right...when he was little, his mother brought one home. A flower that was white as snow and drooped towards the ground strangely but beautifully. He'd asked about them and she'd told him some stuff that had apparently stuck with him till now. He frowned at the thought of his mother, but at least she was allowing some freedom in his life now.

"Killua is so smart!" Gon exclaimed not really saying it to anyone in particular.

The train is coming to a stop! Please exit the train if this is your stop! Step away from the entry door until all people have exited!

More warnings blared through the train stop and inside the train. After a few minutes, Killua and Gon had managed to leave the train station and were walking through Gon's hometown. It was still a peaceful and quiet place. It was around lunch time, so the sun was up, making it seem a little less cold than it was.

"Hey, let's grab lunch and then we can pick up the flowers and tea and then see Aunt Mito?" Killua suggested, eyeing a Korean barbecue place that seemed to be new, since he didn't remember seeing it there before.

Gon nodded enthusiastically, also eyeing the same Korean barbecue place. They hadn't had Korean barbecue in a while now and it sounded super good.


"Do you sell snow drops here?" Gon asked the lady who was standing behind the counter. The other employee was busy explaining the selection of flowers to a more elderly couple that had walked in before Killua and Gon did.

"Actually, I think we sold out a little while ago, but I'll go check in the back to make sure" She nodded politely, and then stepped into the back into a little storage room which the two boys assumed held extra flowers that didn't fit into the display stands since there were so many different types of flowers that were being sold.

After a minute, the lady came back holding a beautiful bouquet of snow drops that were perfectly droopy but bloomed just the right amount so that they would last a few days in a vase before they bloomed completely. A good thing to look for when buying already cut flowers, so that they last for as long as possible.

"Turns out this is the last one!" The lady smiled and handed the bouquet to Gon, who handed her some money. "Thanks!" Gon exclaimed.

The two walked out of the shop, flowers in hand, and Killua was carrying the tea they had bought from Aunt Mito's favorite place to buy already made tea, since they sold her favorite tea there too in bags. It would be a perfect Christmas present to go along with a surprise visit.

"Hey, that flower lady was nice huh" Killua said admiring the fact that she had actually gone to check if they had any left even though she'd seemed sure they had run out. And good thing too.

"Do you have a crush on her?" Gon teased and poked at Killua's side while the other turned red.

"I do not! I don't like her one bit!" He spat, embarrassed. Something about the fact that Gon might think he liked someone didn't sit right with him, but he didn't know why.

"Okaaayyyyyy we all believe you" Gon teased.

"No but I actually don't like her" Killua put on the most serious face he could muster, causing Gon to laugh harder.

In fact, he was still laughing when they got to Aunt Mito's door which wasn't super far away. They rang the doorbell and waited a couple seconds before Aunt Mito opened the door and shock fell over her face.


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