chapter 1

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Gon's apartment was cozy. It had a warm atmosphere and when they got inside, Gon lit a pinecone scented candle and a winter apple scented candle which surprisingly smelled heavenly together. They lit the fireplace and the faint scent of the firewood burning mixed with the candles made it smell like Christmas in the small apartment.

Gon and Killua were trying to study for the science test coming up. They were taking turns quizzing each other on different material from the units. "Gon what's the fourth element on the periodic table?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhh......" Gon was staring at the ceiling trying to remember but there were too many possible answers going through his head. Killua chucked seeing Gon struggling. Science was definitely not either of their best subjects and both of them hadn't been able to answer a question correctly on the first try so far. "Oh wait! Is it carbon? No wait it's arsenic? It's arsenic!"
Killua looked up in shock after looking at his notes again to make sure. Gon was right. Killua nodded. "Good job!" The white haired boy said, making Gon beam. They still had a long way to go, and they would be there for a while.

"I'm gonna get some snacks. This is sooo draining. Want anything?" Gon walked over to the pantry while he waited for Killua to figure out what he wanted.

"Chocolate?" Gon nodded and started shuffling through the pantry. It was super messy and Gon had told himself that he would organize it over the winter break, but he knew it wasn't going to happen. He finally found the chocolate and kept riffling around until he found a bag of sugar cookies. The two snacked on the junk food and looked over their notes pretending to be productive but neither Gon nor Killua were actually soaking in any information.
It reminded Killua of their freshmen year in high school...

~5 years ago~

It was a sunny day outside. Killua and Gon had walked home together from high school like always and decided to study together for the finals at Gon's house where he lived with his aunt Mito. It was about 5 o'clock and both boys were already ready to be done and take a nap. Studying took a lot of energy even if you're just sitting on the floor.

Aunt Mito had called the boys down for dinner. It was a good meal of spaghetti and meatballs with some meat sauce and parmesan cheese to sprinkle on top. Gon and Killua had wolfed down the food like they hadn't eaten in weeks. They went upstairs to study a bit more, but their brains were slowly melting away with every additional piece on information they were trying to cram inside.

After another hour of trying to remember history, their conversations started to wander away from their studying and more to random things that had nothing to do with studying. It was surprising that they had lasted as long as they did try to be productive. Eventually it was starting to get late, and the stars were starting to peak out as the sunset began.

"Killua, I want to take you somewhere" Gon had whispered. It was about seven o'clock. Killua looked up at Gon with a puzzled expression. "Don't worry. It's not too far away. We can walk"
"Ok sure" Killua was filled with curiosity about where they might be going and followed Gon as he left the house.

It was still fairly warm outside, and the sky was turning beautiful shades of pink which blended into orange and sunny yellow colors. It was almost as if the sky was painted. There were no clouds and Killua looked up in amazement.

Once they reached where Gon wanted to show Killua both boys gasped. It was a big oak tree and a pond surrounding it. There were fireflies scattering the air. The sun was setting and most of the sky was a dark navy blue speckled with stars. The air was fresh and slightly cooler than before.

Gon held Killua's hand as they crossed a wooden bridge from where they were to the island where the grand oak was. It was almost like a scene out of a fairy tale. A romantic one at that.
Gon and Killua sat under the tree. Its bark was smooth and there were perfect grooves in the roots that were above the ground for sitting in. It smelled like fresh nature and the atmosphere was peaceful.

"Close your eyes and let the nature come to you" Gon whispered. Killua didn't know what that meant but he closed his eyes. A few minutes later he opened them to see so many fireflies floating around the air next to where they were sitting. One landed on Killua's nose and another on his shoulder. The firefly's light was flickering, and it was so amazing to watch. The view was stunning, and Killua couldn't help but gasp. It was the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen in his life.

"It''s amazing Gon" he whispered afraid that if he talked any louder, it would all disappear before his eyes. Gon snuggled his head into the crook of Killua's head and enjoyed the view himself.

"It's my favorite place to come at night. Makes me feel at peace you know?" Killua nodded gently in understanding. It truly did feel peaceful. There was a light breeze in the air and it ruffled Killua's hair ever so slightly.

"Killua... let's spend the rest of our lives together" Gon looked into the silver haired boy's eyes. The beautiful blue orbs that stared back at him were full of wonder and curiosity. Killua nodded.
"I think I would like that Gon" he whispered and then rested his head on Gon's. The pair stayed like that for a while, enjoying the flying lights, the fresh aroma of leaves and dew and most of all the peace. It was nothing like anything that Killua had found before.

Something about the sound of the ripping water, the slight buzzing of all the fireflies, the rustle of the leaves in the tree and the whirring of the wind as it passed through was very relaxing.
It was their special place to go from that day on. Anytime they needed to escape the realities of the world or were stressed in any way, they went at sunset to watch the fireflies.

They had formed a special bond that day too. They became more than friends. Best friends even. It was something intangible but tangible. Mailable but strong. Nothing truly described it.

All they knew is that they became each other's rocks, and nothing would change that now. They did everything together and even decided to go to college together as well. Neither boy had forgotten the promise they made that day.

To never leave each other. To stay together forever

Ghost Orchid |KilluGon|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz