chapter 18

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The show was beautiful and by the end, even though it was a relatively long time to just look at stars, Killua was so mesmerized that he could have sat through the whole program again. Stars truly were a beautiful thing.

Gon held Killua's hand as they walked out together back into the sunny weather of the outside. They breathed in the fresh air, a hint of crispness from the flowers that were growing in the grass on the streets. They were weeds but pretty none the less. 

Without Killua realizing, the two ended up in a park - the same one where Killua had originally told Gon he loved him. A fitting place for them to be back at after it had been two months. Gon smiled to himself as they sat down on the same bench together and Killua's eyes widened as he finally recognized where he was.

They sat in silence, appreciating each other's presence, and letting their thoughts run wild. Eventually Gon pointed into the air, and Killua followed the green haired boy's gaze until he saw a mother bird perched in a tree, guarding her tiny baby birds. Three of them in a nest made of straw and other trash that had come from who knows where.

It was a precious sight to see and it made both boys smile. A happy little family. Soon the father bird flew in with some worms in beak and doled out the food. It hurt Killua's heart knowing he wouldn't get to have a family with Gon, adopt children or do anything really. All he wanted to do was make the last years of his beloved's life comfortable and full of love.

They watched the birds for a little while longer until Gon finally spoke. He'd been thinking and thinking about this day for a long time now. Even before he was diagnosed with CML. It had been in the back of his mind since they started their junior year of high school for that matter. Years ago. 

He'd rehearsed what he would say in his mind over and over, each time making him more nervous. There was one shot at this. He took a deep breath and suddenly everything felt perfect.

"Killua?" He asked softly, hearing a soft hum from the white haired angel looking boy sitting beside him. Killua looked over when Gon didn't ask a question even though it seemed like he was going to.

Gon put his hands out and motioned for Killua to put his hands on top. Then the green haired boy led them both a little away from the bench and they stood staring into each other's eyes for a couple of moments before Gon took another deep breath and got down on one knee.

Killua's eyes widened in realization and Gon smiled lovingly. "Killua, you're the love of my life. You always have been. From the day I met you I always knew there was something special about you I loved. Now I know what it is. Your smile. It makes me happy. It always has. Your eyes. Their so beautiful sometimes I get lost when I look at them. Your personality. You're so cute and kind and always there for me to support me and make me laugh. To make me feel loved and warm. I know our timeline is a bit different from others but will you make me the happiest person on this planet before I join the stars in the sky, and marry me?" He opened the small box, revealing a ring, with a beautiful blue diamond as the center piece and some other smaller diamonds surrounding it to make the look complete. It was breathtakingly beautiful to say the least.

Tears trickled down Killua's face and Gon nervously awaited a response. "Of course I will" Killua smiled through his tears of happiness as Gon slid the ring onto the blue eyed boy's ring finger before he stood up and embraced the boy.

They kissed and it was the happiest day yet to come in either of their lives. Killua thought of everything Gon had just said and realized how lucky he was. To have the best boy in the world to share even just a couple more years with. How lucky he was to share any time at all. How lucky he was that he'd even met the green haired boy in the first place.

"You make me feel the same way you know? Loved and appreciated. That's how I feel when I'm around you. I love you Gon" Killua said in a soft almost whisper like voice. He'd never smiled so much in his life. Gon chuckled knowing that normally Killua wasn't the type of person to say something like that to anyone at all.

"I'm glad I make you happy" Gon said with a hint of bubbly laughter in his voice. One of the biggest things on his bucket list of stuff to do before he became a constellation was to marry Killua. The other biggest thing was to spend every day of the rest of his life with the white haired boy. After that it was seemingly not important things such as trying a cheese fountain or having a picnic at sunset.

But he wanted to try as many things as he could with Killua by his side so he didn't think twice about anything he put on that list.

"Oh my god..."Killua mumbled as if he had just had some sort of epiphany. "Oh my god I'm gonna get married... WE'RE GONNA GET MARRIED" His head was full of a lot of thoughts but most of them were along the lines of "Holy shit I'm gonna have a husband".

Gon laughed so hard he started to wheeze a little bit and had to concentrate on breathing for a couple minutes. Once he could talk again he said "Oh gosh Killua you're so funny. Of course were gonna get married" He laughed for another few moments before a more solemn look crossed his face. "I wanted to experience marriage with you before I'm y'know gone" he said quietly.

"Don't say that. Let's focus on life. Death is sad and scary. I don't want to think about it you know" Killua realized it sounded a little selfish when he said it like that but the look in Gon's eyes told him the green haired boy knew where he was coming from.

"Yea I guess it's a sad topic but saying it out loud makes it easier for the thought to sink in I guess. We all go out one day. I guess my life candle is just a little shorter than everyone else's. But hey. Once I'm gone just look up at the starry sky every night and I'll be up there somewhere."

Killua nodded appreciatively for the new perspective. "I'll talk to you every night then. To the most beautiful star I can see up there..."

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