chapter 20

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Guest list was complete, and the pair had just finished designing their invitations. They had found a cool website for designing invitations with templates or from scratch. Killua had chosen a template with flowers in the back round because it gave the most wedding vibes. 

Gon had looked through the flower options for the back round of the invite, all of the options being beautiful. He had originally chosen orchids, but changed the flower to specifically ghost orchids since they looked really unique and drew his attention for some unknown reason.

Now it was only a matter of getting them printed on the correct type of material. "I think they're gonna turn out the best if we get them printed somewhere instead of trying to do stuff ourselves. We don't even have a printer anyway" Gon said, pondering in thought.

"Yeah makes sense. Let's look up a place to get them printed. We can write the names ourselves at the bottom so each one is kind of custom. I have good handwriting anyway since I took a calligraphy class in high school" Killua's nose wrinkled in disgust.

The calligraphy teacher had been a somewhat strange man. A little, creepy, almost in a way. He always seemed to be thinking of not school appropriate things, and had some sort of suggestive look on his face. That guy creeped Killua out but he did leave that class with beautiful handwriting and a nice calligraphy pen. (A/N - guess who taught the class lol)

Gon nodded appreciatively, and opened a new tab to find somewhere to print their invitations. The first place that popped up was Office Depot and there was one really close to Gon's apartment they found out surprisingly, after looking at the locations.

It was settled. They walked over, making sure to bring a backpack to carry everything back, and money to pay for the favor, as well as the laptop to print everything. It only took ten minutes to walk there, and despite Killua being a little worried about Gon walking, the green haired boy was completely fine and they got their both in one piece, and relatively healthy.

The store was big inside, and there was a lot of stationary material as well as other office supplies as the name of the store would suggest. They walked to the help desk since they weren't quite sure what to do, never having been there before.

A nice young women came to assist them, seeming to be in her early twenties. "What can I help you two with?"

"Hi!" Gon responded, chipper, "We would like to get some wedding invitations printed and we're wondering what to do?" He said kindly. She nodded.

"Yup I can do that right here actually. Do you have the design with you? Phone, laptop? Either works!" She gestured to a fancy looking printer. Gon pulled out the design on the laptop they had brought, and the lady nodded in appreciation since the invites looked nice. 

She asked if she could take the laptop and connected it to the printer. "Cardstock ok?"

"Uh sure I guess. Is that what wedding invitations are normally printed on?" Killua asked, kind of unsure from the inexperience since he had obviously never done this before. 

"Yup, it's just a sturdier type of paper that holds up better in the mail since you normally mail wedding invitations. There's also email invites now but the concept just isn't as special or traditional as the printed version. Some people do both though."

While talking, the women, whose name tag read 'Shelly', got the cardstock from somewhere under the desk and fed it into the printer, before starting up the machine and printing the invitations. 

"Oh! How many copies do you need. Normally I would recommend printing about five extra so that if something goes wrong, or you lose a couple or something, you have a few extra" She stated simply.

"We have 14 people on the guest list but some of them are couples so their invitations will be on the same one. Is fifteen a good number?" Gon asked, wonder filling his eyes.

"I think so?" Killua replied, still a little unsure. He looked to Shelly for some sort of affirmation.

She nodded. "That should probably be fine." The three were met with a pleasant whirring sound as the printer started printing, and the occasional sound of a piece of cardstock falling a short distance onto the pile of already printed invitations. Then, Shelly took the invites over to a paper cutter, cutting each one out very exactly on the lines at which the color ended.

They turned out very pretty with flawless edges thanks to Shelly's careful work. She handed the pile to Gon after double checking there was the correct number of fifteen invitations. "Out of curiosity, whose getting married. These invitations are beautiful!"

Gon and Killua shared a moment of unsure eye contact before Killua said something. "Oh we're getting married" he said a little quietly, almost as if he wasn't sure he should have said anything. It was apparent that they were definitely under the normal age of marriage and even more so since they were two boys. 

Shelly's eyes widened a little bit in surprise but she recovered quickly and tried to be supportive. "Well congratulations! The two of you seemed a little younger than normal for people who come in to get wedding invites printed so I wasn't sure, but you're a lovely couple."

Gon thanked her even though the situation had become slightly awkward after that interaction. He put the invites, which had all been placed nicely in a stack, inside of a plastic bag, and the two walked away to the checkout, with Shelly waving behind them.

They were about to get to the checkout counter when Killua had a thought. "While were here we should get some envelopes to put them in. Oh and stamps. So we can mail them properly when we get home."

They turned around, exploring further into the store, finding the things they needed, before eventually getting to the checkout counter officially, and checking out.

Back at Gon's apartment, Killua was concentrating on writing names on invites, and occasionally having to space the words correctly so that two names and an 'and' between them would fit nicely. It had been a good idea to get some extra ones because he'd had a shaky start.

Eventually the invitations were done after a lot of concentration, jokes from Gon, laughing, and other random conversations. 

They left them on the kitchen counter to dry before they went to bed for the night. In bed, before they both drifted into sleep again, Gon whispered "Today was fun".

"Yeah it was. I feel a lot more prepared for everything just in general."

"Well any day with you if fun but i'm glad you feel good about the wedding" Gon smiled and even in the dark, Killua could see the smile on his beloved's face. He leaned over and kissed the green haired boy lightly before cuddling the boy in his arms and falling asleep.

Ghost Orchid |KilluGon|Where stories live. Discover now