chapter 14

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The doctor and Gon had been chatting for a good ten minutes now, and Killua had woken up more in the time he had been leaning against the hallway outside of Gon's hospital room. Now that his brain wasn't as foggy, the silver haired boy was trying not to eavesdrop on the conversation happening in the room beside him.

He knew the conversation was private and that Gon would share the details he was comfortable with but at the same time, he thought it was only fair that he knew what was happening. Killua didn't want to see someone he loved in pain....

A few minutes later, the man in the white coat came outside of the room and placed himself directly in front of Killua and started to speak with general details and further care instructions.

"I'm assuming you're a close friend of Mr. Freeccs or a lover perhaps?" Killua's cheeks turned red as his mind flooded with impure thoughts, "Anyway that's not super important, but I did want to inform you that Mr. Freeccs will be discharged from the hospital in about two days assuming that nothing major happens during the watching period. Once he is discharged, I would like for you or someone else to keep an eye on him and periodically make sure he is feeling good, and if he ever becomes extremely short of breath, fatigued, or in a concerning amount pain, to bring him back here so we can discuss options."

The words discuss options made Killua ponder in his thoughts while the doctor kept talking. Was something seriously wrong? Wasn't it just a temporary thing? And wouldn't it heal and go away forever?

The doctor stopped talking eventually and looked at Killua for a moment, his eyes signaling that he was waiting for some sort of response from the dull eyed boy, whose focus was trying to figure out if something was permanently wrong with the boy he was slowly falling in love with.

Eventually the stare got to Killua's consciousness. "Oh yes of course, I'll live with him from now on to make sure that he is taken care of until he recovers."

The doctor nodded briskly before walking away.

Killua took that as a sign that he could go and visit Gon. He walked into the hospital room and brushed the curtains away before seeing Gon laying in the bed, his eyes closed but he seemed to be awake.

"Gon?" Killua whispered, but Gon's eyes fluttered open and he smiled upon seeing the angel like boy beside his bed.

"Hey" it was quiet but livelier than Gon looked. Killua smiled back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, i guess. Kind of tired though. Doc says I only have to stay for two more days and then I can go home."

"Guess what? I'm moving in with you because the doctor said I have to keep an eye on you until you recover. It's not like we don't spend every other night together anyway so you should be ok with that right?"

"Killua.... that sounds kind of naughty" after a few moments, Killua realized what he'd said and flushed bright red, causing a chuckle to escape Gon's lips.

"Gon," He paused for a few seconds, wondering how to put the question.

"What is it?"

"Actually nothing..."

"Are you sure? You kind of seem like something 's bothering you."

"Gon what are we?"

"You are my best friend." Gon gave the brightest smile he could muster even though something inside his subconscious was slightly bothered by the sentence he'd just formed.



It had been the two days wait and Gon had only gotten better, so the hospital discharged him a little earlier than anticipated. Kurapika had gone to visit a few times throughout the whole stay, and Leorio had come back once as well, to show his support. Now the two were standing outside of Killua's apartment.

Gon motioned for Killua to follow him as he walked back in the direction of his own apartment. Killua didn't follow for a few moments. He was saying goodbye to his apartment for the time being. He had decided to rent it out to another student whose dorm was having some issues at the moment because he wouldn't need it for a while.

After a minute, Gon and Killua began carrying Killua's things back to Gon's apartment, their new home. He didn't have that many items, not being one to hold items sentimental. Mostly just normal necessities, clothing, toiletries, shoes, and a couple of gifts that Gon had given him over the years, birthday and Christmas presents mostly.

They were the only items that seemed to have some importance in his mind while other things he'd gotten from his parents or brothers didn't seem important at all and had ended up in the garbage while Killua cleaned.

Once they arrived at Gon's apartment, Gon asked for Killua to stay in the living room, while he called his aunt to inform her of everything he had found out from the doctor. She had been informed by Killua that Gon had been in the hospital, but Killua didn't know much either.

The silver haired boy agreed, and decided to make some dinner for the two of them since they had been packing up Killua's stuff for most of the afternoon and it was a pretty draining task. Killua had insisted that Gon sit and relax while Killua did the work, but Gon had said he was fine and that he wanted to help.

Digging around in the fridge, Killua found just enough tomato sauce and a bit of butter to make some pasta, which he found in the pantry. He put the pasta into some boiling water, and waited for it to start becoming loose, while he added a couple of pinched of salt into the water, making the pasta more tasty.

Finally, once the pasta was drained, he added the tomato sauce and sprinkled some American cheese on top, to make up for the parmesan he couldn't find, probably because Gon didn't have any.  He doled the two bowls onto the counter and went to go get Gon, who was probably done with his call by now, so they could eat together.

Just as he turned the corner to Gon's bedroom he started to be able to hear the conversation.

."..yea i'm not going to get better. They said that it's going to be slow, so I have some time, but the treatments risky so........yea I's CML in the early stages, which is why the symptoms aren't severe. It's only going to get worse from here, but I'll try to visit as much as I can while I can still do things.......I need a transplant to have any chance of survival but since I don't have any immediate family it's gonna be hard to find a match...yea I know... I'm sorry...Ok I love you. Bye"

And oh, how Killua's heart shattered...


I did do some research for this fic, but it wasn't tremendous so some of my information might be slightly off, and I hope that doesn't ruin the story for anyone.

For the people that don't know what CML is, it's a type of Leukemia that develops in the bone marrow and it's slower than other types of leukemia , so the fic won't just end immediately.

Hope you are enjoying thus far!

side note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KILLUA! i shall post early today to celebrate!

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