chapter 16

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The silence was deafening. Tears welled up in Gon's eyes as he processed what had just happened.

"Killua.... I can't. I'm sorry" Gon felt so bad, but he couldn't let Killua grow so close to him when he could die so early. It wouldn't be fair to hurt Killua like that. Even though he loved the white-haired boy so much. It would be selfish to let him love someone who was dying.

"It's ok. I understand you don't love me..." Killua sniffled a little, but he had expected that as a possible outcome. "You'll still let me take care of you until you recover though, right?" He grimaced saying the word recover knowing what he'd overheard.

"No Killua it's not like that. I do love you. I have for years. And I'm so happy that you feel the same way. But it's not fair. I can't do that to you Killua." He was silent for a moment, trying to phrase it in a gentle way but the reality was cruel. "Killua I'm dying. I'm not gonna live to grow old with you. I'm sorry" His voice broke towards the end.

It was one of the hardest things Gon had ever said. He might die soon. And at that moment in time, he knew it was true. As hard as he tried to deny it. As much as he wished he wasn't going to die. He accepted his fate.

"I know Gon" Killua wrapped his arms around Gon and comforted him as he cried into the silver haired boy's shirt, making it damp with his tears. "I know. It's not ok and it never will be. The universe is cruel to take you. But i will still love you till my very last day on earth. Even if that means after you're gone" he whispered comfortingly.


Going back to school was hard. After everything they'd been through in the past week and a half, school was the last concern. If Gon might not live to see the day their class graduated, then what was the point of them even coming back anyway?

Gon had said that he wanted Killua to graduate for the both of them, and that while he was still healthy enough, he would go to school as well and support Killua. Now that they both knew they loved each other, Gon wanted to spend as much time with Killua as possible.

Killua moved in with Gon permanently and took care of him like he was a baby even though he was almost back to normal after a few weeks. He still had fatigue and was short of breath after being active for short periods but was livelier and was eating well.

Despite the angel of death hovering over his shoulder, Gon had moved on pretty quickly in Killua's eyes and seemed to be making the best of the little time he had left. He smiled more than before and started to appreciate the gift of small things that happened throughout the day.

Seeing that Gon had accepted things, or at least was coping well, he tried to be as supportive as he could. Of course, finding out that you might die or that the person you love might to die isn't easy, but a silent agreement of support held them both up.


After thinking about it for week since his origional confession, Killua decided that even if there were only a couple years left, Gon was the only man he could ever love. He'd come out as bisexual in high school, but after he met Gon, there was no one else in the world who had drawn his attention. Even if he only recognized that recently.

So, when the weekend rolled around, the white-haired boy took his chance. "Gon...I was thinking we could go visit Aunt Mito today. Since we just finished a couple tests and there's not that much homework. I think she probably wants to see you too."

"Yea let's go" Gon smiled brightly, even though he knew that in a few hours, he knew the three of them would likely all be crying together.

They got on the train that afternoon, and rode until their stop rolled around. This time they went straight to Gon's old house. His time was more valuable than any gift they could have shopped for like they did last time.

She opened the door only a few seconds after they rung the bell, as if she had been waiting for them to arrive. Their visit had been a surprise one, but her intuition seemed to be alert today.

Not even inside the house, Aunt Mito pulled Gon into a bear hug, rubbing his back. Tears started to well in her eyes, as she pulled away. "I missed you" she said, smiling despite the tears shining in her eyes.

Killua gave a sympathetic look, knowing she must have been in pain. Every look at the green haired boy was a reminder she'd lose him soon. Killua felt the same way. It was a sinking feeling.

They did the normal chitchat routine, Gon shared updates from Leorio, who had been communicating with him, to check in on his condition every now and then. It had been almost over a month since the hospital visit, and Gon had pretty much recovered from the infection. The cancer was eating away at his life ever so slowly from the inside.

Gon had ultimately decided to not go through with treatment. Finding a donor would take a long time and the work leading up to that just wasn't worth it. Late stage three cancer would be hard to reverse so the green haired boy accepted his fate. Gon pondered the thoughts plaguing his mind. It was hard to find a donor outside of immediate family anyway. Gon also refused to have anyone he knew tested. He couldn't ask for something like that from someone he cared about. It was a risky procedure for the donor and for himself.

Killua suddenly pulled Gon out of his spiraling thoughts "Let's go to our place."

Without a word, Gon got up, and Killua followed him. They walked to their special place under the oak tree. The fireflies were out and as far as Gon could recall, this was the most beautiful it had ever looked. Maybe ticking time made it more beautiful.

They sat together leaning on each other, watching the fireflies fly, enjoying the flower smell that danced in the air of the dark night.

"Gon" Killua whispered. "You didn't answer me before... so I'll ask again. Will...will you be mine."

"To hold and to have forever" Gon nodded slightly, not wanting to hurt Killua, as his head was muzzled in the crook of the white-haired boy's neck.

"Those sound like wedding vows" Killua laughed and Gon laughed as well.

"One day...I'll tell you how much I love you, under a wedding arch. And then I'll kiss you. Like this." He leaned in, pressing his lips against Killua's.

It was like all time stopped. Like the last time they had been there together, and they kissed on the bridge. The butterflies swirled inside their bodies, an electrifying current flying through them.

"I love you. I'll love you until the end of time and beyond then. I love you Gon."

Outside of Gon's apartment, so far away, a singular ghost orchid that had been urging to bloom for so long, finally opened up it's true beauty to be admired all around...

Ghost Orchid |KilluGon|Where stories live. Discover now