chapter 9

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It was well past 10 am and Aunt Mito was seriously considering going into Gon's room to make sure the two boys were still alive but she decided it was still plausible that they were just really tired from all the traveling they'd done to get there. In reality it hadn't been a super long trip but maybe they were still catching up on sleep from the all-nighters they'd pulled studying like Gon had said.

In truth, they'd spent a long time arguing over who was going to sleep where. Killua argued that Gon should sleep on the bed since it was his room, and he would sleep on the floor. Gon argued they should just share the bed since they do it all the time. But this bed was the same twin sized bed he'd used since he'd been a little kid.

Sure, they'd shared it before, but that was back in middle school when they were smaller and fit better. In fact, the whole sleeping arrangement that night was an accident. They'd fallen asleep together while trying to study/ watch a show together and somehow managed to not fall off during the night, but Killua was a hundred percent sure they couldn't get away with that now.

Eventually the two ended up sleeping on the floor together, after Gon argued that it wasn't fair for one person to take the bed and leave the other on the floor. Killua wanted to say it wasn't good to let the bed go to waste but, in the end, he couldn't win, and they threw the pillows on the floor to make it more comfortable.

In the end it was the light coming in from the window, shining right in their faces that woke up both Gon and Killua from their sleep. In all their fighting yesterday, they'd forgotten to close the blinds. Rookie mistake.

About half an hour after Aunt Mito had considered going to check on them and decided to wait a bit longer, she heard rustling upstairs and decided it would be good to start making breakfast. A few minutes later the pair walked down the stairs and could smell breakfast cooking.

"Let's visit our place today" Gon suggested out of the blue while they were eating. It had been a while since they'd last gone there.

"Ok. I kinda miss it there too. But maybe let's go at night. Full experience ya know?" Killua shrugged not really having an opinion, but Gon was even more exited now thinking about the fireflies.

"Got it!" He went back to eating his food, and Aunt Mito shook her head and laughed. She knew of this place since she took Gon there when he was little but hadn't gone back since he and Killua started to claim it as their own place, even calling it their own place. She figured it was good for them to have their own little retreat.


It was almost night fall and Gon was almost jumping with excitement. Not very mature for someone who was technically an adult, but Killua thought it was adorable.

They walked out the door and linked hands just like they used to. It felt a little stranger now that they were older, but a ritual is a ritual and Killua wasn't going to change anything now. They knew the way there so well that they could have gone their together both blindfolded. So, Killua closed his eyes and enjoyed the silence enveloped in rustling leaves.

Soon they arrived at the bridge. Skipping across it, dragging Killua with him, Gon reached the oak tree at last. The fireflies were already out, making the tree seem just like a glow stick but a few thousand times prettier. A small gasp escaped Gon's lips as he marveled at the sight, he'd seen so many times before.

"I forgot how beautiful it is" the green haired boy whispered, and Killua nodded in agreement. It was a rather romantic spot actually and there was no other place he'd choose to be with Gon. But of course, he would never say that.

Gon motioned with his hand, and the two went to lie under the tree together like they used to. Gon was slightly out of breath, and he noticed it this time. Making sure to take deep breaths to restore the oxygen back to his body, he made a mental note to schedule that doctor's appointment before he forgot. Maybe this was more serious of an issue than he'd put it off as.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, he looked up into the branches of the tree like he used too. There was a little nest in the tree that wasn't there before. Killua pointed up and curiosity got the better of the too. It was almost dark, but they couldn't resist taking a look.

Gon was about to step up onto Killua's shoulder to get a look, but a strong gust of wind blew, and the nest shook a little bit before a small egg rolled out and hit the ground in the same place where Killua had just taken off his hoodie and placed it on the ground so Gon wouldn't step on it, getting on the white-haired boy's shoulders.

Luckily the egg didn't seem damaged, so Gon picked it up gently and managed to get onto Killua's shoulder's without crushing the egg in the process.

He placed it gently back in the nest with the other two eggs that were still there, having survived the heavy wind that was threatening to blow again. The mother bird was sitting there on the edge, seeming to be debating whether to attack Gon, but decided against it. She waited for the green haired boy to go away before leaping back onto her eggs to try and prevent the wind from knocking one down again.

And just like that, the two boys were back on the grassy ground laying facing towards each other and staring into the other's eyes. Killua could feel butterflies in his stomach, but he willed them to go away. It was kind of strange. The feeling. But he ignored it, and he would continue to do that for as long as he could until it went away.

But then...

"We should probably go back now" Gon said, getting up and gesturing for Killua to get up as well. He held out a hand and pulled Killua up after himself. He started back towards the bridge but...

"Gon?" The green haired boy turned back around to see Killua's face incredibly close to his. Less than an inch away to be clear. Suddenly, the white-haired boy's heart acted on its own and he leaned in, closing the space between them and their lips touched. Killua's first kiss...

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