Goddess of War | 9

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Athena POV

"Badump. Badump. Badump."

People always preach that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. That's bullshit in my opinion. As I grew older my faith in the supposed man above began to dwindle. Would a man who loves his subjects force a seventeen year old to go through the things I did. I really don't think so.

"It's part of the process."

"What is meant to be will be."

Save me from the lectures and conviction speeches. My life is a shit show. Has been for years.

Is it karma from my past life? Was I an insufferable baby and this is the worlds fuck you for it? Those questions constantly ran through my mind. What have I done to deserve this? Why was this happening to me?

I can only ever have these moments of weakness in my head or when I'm alone. I refuse to let people see me when I'm vulnerable since it would make me seem like an easy target.

That's why I build my walls. I let a select few close but still never reveal my secrets or thoughts. It would lead to the unknown and that's a road I do not want to go down.

Day in and day out I put on my smile and act like I am okay. That is what I have to do and must do to prevent those I let close from pitying me. That would be the last thing I want.

For someone to say they understand or feel bad or look at me with a gaze of helplessness. I refuse to let that happen.

I will continue to straighten my back and stand tall. To walk amongst the crowds acting like my life isn't a living hell most of the time.

It's what I have to do for now...

"Badump. Badump. Badump."

My eyes fly open as I choke up.

My hands grasp my throat as memories of last night linger in the back of my mind.

Waves of nausea roll through me but I swallow it down as I slowly get up while holding my head.

It feels as if someone wacked me on the side of the head with a fucking bat.

I cough a couple of times before leaning on the wall for assistance as I stand.

James really chocked me out last night. I'm pretty sure I saw the light on my way out and really should have just followed it. But it wasn't my time yet. I wrote down my plan in my journal and as soon as I did I knew I had to stick to it.

I took out my phone, which was now cracked from the impact of me falling while it was in my pocket, and checked the time.

6:30 AM displayed on the screen.

"Shit." I mumbled as I quickly, but quietly, made my way up the stairs to get ready. It was the last day of school so at least I had summer to look forward to.

The deal I had tonight though was in the back of my mind. I had such a bad feeling about it but had no clue why.

After making it into my room, I beelined to the bathroom to check the damage inflicted on my poor neck.

Two purple bruises laid on my neck, resembling handprints.

"This is gonna need so much makeup to cover up." I said meekly. My voice was horrific sounding as well. It sounded scratchy and as if I was screaming my head off at a concert last night.

I quickly got ready, deciding to wear a black turtle neck, since there was no where near enough time to try and cover the bruise with makeup, a little black skirt and some sheer black tights.

It was the last day so I should look somewhat nice, I thought to myself.

I threw on an oversized black leather jacket that Blair had given me for my birthday last year, and finally a pair of black boots.

My hair was in a messy bun since I could not be bothered to try and do it, and I hurriedly applied a little makeup after cleaning up last nights.

Turning to the mirror in my room I did a quick once over.

"Presentable at least." I croaked.

I finished gathering my stuff before organizing everything I needed for tonight. I decided to bring my favorite knife for self protection just in case. After getting all ready, I made my way to my car, shoving my knife under my backseat and checking that the delivery was still in my trunk. Once I made sure everything was in order I began making my way to school.

Pulling into a parking spot, I tuned off the engine of my car. While leaning my head on the steering wheel I took a deep breath in while thinking.

School was always an excuse for me to not be at home or see James.

Most people hated school but I enjoyed it. I always had an easy time retaining information which led me to be in the top 10% of my class.

It was also a place where I could see my few friends. I knew deep down that we would still see each other over the summer but it would still be different.

Up until last year I only had Kai really. He was a rock for me but I knew something was missing. That was the case until I met Ellie and David. It took some time but Ellie finally made me talk to her and open up a bit which led to us being close. I also got to know her twin during that time. David met Carson through sports and introduced us to him, and then Ellie met Blair in one of her classes.

The rest was history. They were like my real family in this town and I couldn't be more grateful to have them all. 

A knock on my window pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to see Ellie with her signature smile plastered on her face with David behind her waving at me like a mad man.

My door was yanked open as Ellie practically yelled, "Girl! Last day of school before summer! Get your ass out here!"

"I'm coming don't worry." I responded.

Immediately Ellie looked at me with a concerned expression. I was getting so used to seeing that face now.

"Um...what happened to your voice?" She asked before looking back at David who had an equally concerned expression.

"I think I'm coming down with something honestly. I woke up to my voice like this and a horrible sore throat." I quickly explained.

Lie after lie. It was becoming too easy at this point and the lies just kept building up.

David being David was trying to lighten the mood at this point by saying, "5 feet away rule today" while laughing and covering his mouth with his hand.

"For that little comment, I'm gonna make sure I take a sip out of your water bottle today. Lets see if this is contagious." I respond laughing while getting out of the car.

He quickly feigned a hurt expression and covered his heart with his land before laughing back at me.

We all meet up with Kai, Blair and Carson before heading into school to start the day. Movies were gonna be playing in most of the classes and I really wish school would just go on forever right now.

At least that way I wouldn't have to handle that stupid deal tonight. I was seriously dreading it.

The bell rings signaling first period as we all make our ways to class.

Let the day begin I think to myself.

Authors Note
Sorry this is such a short chapter. Next one will be longer my loves
-also above is what Athena's outfit kind of looked like

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