Goddess of War| 11

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Athenas POV


The sound of the metal doors being opened filled my ears. Flickering lights were all that allowed me to see my environment and who I was surrounded by. Men and women in suits stationed around the perimeter watched as the three guards and myself made our way into the warehouse.

I followed behind the large armed Russian as two others stood behind me. The all but empty warehouse was dimly lit, only a few lights hung from the ceiling cast a low glow. The scent of blood, mold and gunpowder filled my nose as the same dark feeling seeped into me yet again.

We continued to walk through the long corridor when I finally spotted a large tarp stained with god knows what. Through the gaps of the tarp I could see light and hear feint whispering that I could not make out.

The large man who led the way in slowly peeled back the tarp, allowing me to see who was finally receiving the case of weapons that the guard behind me was carrying.

As I entered the room I took in my surroundings, all while keeping my guard up. In the middle of the room was a large circular table. Five chairs were positioned all around it, four of them being occupied by large men who were all still talking despite us entering.

On one side of the table sat two men, one visibly older than the other but both carried an intimidating aura around them. The older man had white hair that fell to his forehead and bright blue eyes. From where I stood I could see a large scar running from above his left eye to his cheek. Despite his obvious age he was still handsome, with his sculpted jaw and tailored suit that adorned his body.

The younger man sitting next to the white haired man was equally as handsome . His hair was much darker and he had dark green eyes that reminded me of a forest. His skin was tan and he had visible tattoos on his hands. He was also wearing a suit that looked as if it made for him. Both men had an authoritative air that surrounded them which sent shivers down my spine.

Behind the men stood five guards, all dressed in the same suits as the three who lead me in here.

As I turned my head, I locked eyes with the other two who were sitting on the other side of the table and my heart stopped. Uncle Kenji and Kai were sitting at the table with three people dressed in suits standing behind them. The conversation the two of them were having when I walked into the room had ceased at this point.

How did I not notice them? I understand I was nervous but still. And what the actual hell were the two of them doing here? I opened my mouth to say something but Uncle Kenji quickly shook his head, probably telling me to keep my mouth shut in this situation.

Why was Uncle Kenji involved with this? I was literally delivering guns. I thought he was a businessman. I know he never fully told me what he did but this is just making my head hurt.

"Vladimir." was said with a thick Russian accent by the older man with white hair. The large guard who stood in front of me slowly made his way over to the man.

So his name was Vladimir. Not that the information does me any good but at least I can put a name to the face.

"это тот, кто занимается доставкой?" The man stated in a stern voice as he looked me over. I hated his gaze. It made me feel uncomfortable since I couldn't tell what was behind his eyes, yet I didn't let it show. "да сэр." Vladimir answered quickly in a rough manner after looking back at me as if he was annoyed by my mere presence. (this is the one who does the delivery?) (yes sir.)

The man with white hair looked at me again, clicking his tongue. I didn't say anything. As much as I wanted to say something, every bone in my body was preventing me from doing so, signaling that I would be making the worst mistake if I did.

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