Goddess of War | 8

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Athena POV

"Dude what the fuck! Get the hell off of her!" I heard Blair yell over the music. I was now facing Alexander, trying my best to get him off while not causing a scene.

My struggles were in vain though. The position we were in was not doing me any favors. Alexander looked back at Blair, chuckling darkly as his grip on my waist tightened, causing me to wince. "Come on. She was dancing so provocatively! it was practically an invitation if you ask me." He stated.

"The fuck it was Alexander. Get your grimy ass hands off me you dick." I yell as I grab his wrist to try and yank it off of me.

"Come on Athena. Play nice. No one likes a girl who talks like that," he whispers in my ear.

"Good. Last thing I want is some ugly mofo like yourself having a thing for me. Although, I'm pretty sure at this point you do. Considering this is the second time you're practically throwing yourself at me makes me questions some things. What? Can't find a girl who actually wants your shrimp dick?" I say through gritted teeth, digging my nails into his wrists.

Ellie is looking left and right with panic swimming in her eyes, trying to find someone to help. Everyone's attention is on having fun though so no one is paying attention. I saw Blair dart in the other direction, most likely to get one of the guys so I calm down a little knowing help is on the way.

"Don't be such a fucking bitch. I know you're a whore who opens her legs for anyone. Come on. Stop playing so hard to get already. The name Chuck ring a bell?" He says lowly so only I can hear. I can practically feel his smirk as he speaks into my ear causing waves of disgust to roll through me.

I freeze though. My breath gets caught in the back of my throat as I see black dots. A cold sweat covers my back as I process what this fucker just said.

How the hell does he know Chuck and what the fuck did Chuck say? I'm panicking at this point as I dig my nails a little deeper into his wrists and struggle even more against his hold. My breathing has becomes ragged. Before anything else happens, Alexander is ripped off of me from behind causing everyone around us to freeze and process what just happened.

I'm still frozen in place as I look down at Alexander, my vision still blurry.

How does Alexander know Chuck? This is bad. This is like really bad. What does he know? What was he told? Oh my god just why does this have to happen. What do I-

"Thena? Thena. Thena!" I finally hear and my head snaps up to look at David. I could have sworn he was drunk before but he looks as sober as can be right now.

Davids holding my shoulders firmly while asking me if I'm alright. Blair and Ellie are behind me, rubbing my back slightly. I turn to see Kai and some guy I've never seen before dragging Alexander by his arms out of the room as he shouts profanities at me.

"You fucking bitch! You deserve this after what you did to me! I swear to fucking go-"

Before he can finish his sentence his head quickly snaps to the side. The guy I've never seen before harshly punched him across the face. Carson quickly grabs Alexander by the front of his shirt, ripping him from Kai and the other guys hold before kneeing him directly in the stomach.

Screams from Alexander are mainly heard along with murmurs about what was going on.

All I can do is stare at this mysterious guy who's name I don't know. His back is all I can see as he continues to drag a not so cooperative Alexander with Carson and Kai.

Suddenly he looks over his shoulder and everything stills as we make eye contact.

It's almost like no one else was here. Just the two of us in this room, a mere 5 feet from each other.

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