Goddess of War| 12

220 8 0

Athenas POV

If I thought the tension was high before then that was wishful thinking. The tension right now could be cut with a fucking katana, which I am pretty sure one of the guards behind Uncle Kenji has in his hand currently.

There are approximately five different people pointing guns at me while shouting as the sound of police sirens fill the air.

"Was this a fucking set up!" The man beside Andrei shouts at me.

"I have no idea what is going on. I made sure that I was not tailed while coming here, I swear." I quickly reply in amidst the chaos, not sure if they would believe what a random girl would say.

"Like saying that will do us any good. Why the hell should we believe anything that comes out of your mouth!" Andrei shouts next.

"I swear to god I had nothing to do with this. Timothy is the only one who knew I was coming here!" I respond while trying to keep calm.

I repeat the statement in my head.

Timothy was the only one who knew I was coming here. The information that these people were supposed to get. The warning to not mess up. It didn't all add up completely but what if Timothy had set this up? What if he planned to get rid of me by orchestrating this entire thing. It's obvious that one false move around these guys would lead to death and the fact that the police are on their way makes it seem like this was all planned.

I wrack my brain as I try to come up with something to say.

Knowing that these men definitely do not want to be dealing with the police I quickly say, "First we should leave here. If the police are on their way then we should get out of here as soon as possible and meet at a different location to talk this through. You can go through my phone, get a lie detector test, I don't care, but priority is getting out of this warehouse and far away from here."

While the guns are still pointed at me Andrei looks at my Uncle. They both look as if they  are communicating with only their eyes, making a decision silently, before nodding their heads.

All of the weapons are slowly taken off of me as each side of men bark loud orders at the guards in both Russian and Japanese.

As soon as the orders are finished almost all the guards run outside while a few stay behind to protect their bosses I guess. Uncle Kenji comes up to me and grabs my arm harshly, okay that was also not something I was used to, before starting to walk with me in tow.

I tried to wiggle my arm free from his grasp since it started to hurt but my actions made him tighten his grip even more before turning to give me a harsh look signaling to just follow him silently, which I do. Kai followed behind us and a guard stood in front of my Uncle and I. Andrei and the others followed behind us as well.

When we got outside we were met with absolute madness. The police had surrounded the area and shots were being fired from both the guards side and the police. Five more guards swarmed around us and Uncle kenji all but dragged me towards a black SUV as a cascade of bullets flew past us.

A guard ran towards the car, opening the door, and covering us from any shots coming our way. I was shoved in before Uncle Kenji and Kai jumped in as well. The driver door was ripped open before the guard who was wielding the katana earlier started to drive.

"What the fuck is going on!" I shout as I turn to face both Kai and my Uncle.

"What the fuck is going on? You have the nerve to ask that? What the hell were you doing there! You're doing business with Timothy?! Are you fucking insane!" My Uncle yells back, obviously enraged.

Goddess of WarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ